Page 3 Cars for Sale in Zimbabwe Under $1,000 - 2025 | Cars Under 1k

  • MAZDA 6

    cars under 1000


    Price: $980

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Empress M

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Harare Harare
  • Ford fiesta 800

    Ford focus $800Body on wheels With gearbox Manual transmission no Engine See more

    Price: $800

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Bradley M

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Harare Harare
  • HONDA FIT 1 900

    cars under 1000

    HONDA FIT $1,900CALL/APP0781646004

    Price: $19

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Ranga M

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Harare Harare
  • 2022 Toyota camry

    cars under 1000

    For more information or an appointment, please Call/Text - Rhythm778-325-72792022 Toyota Camry * JUST LIKE BRAND NEW* Various offers going on! See more

    Price: CA$205

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Rafi Z

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Vancouver, BC Vancouver, BC
  • 2012 Nissan tilda

    cars under 1000

    Call or app 0776103372 or 0787040574Hodha iro Yakadhakwa magetsiClean interior Solid engine See more

    Price: $900

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Givenchy G

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Harare Harare
  • M Benz 203 C180 111 Grey Top engine ikugumira my 40km

    cars under 1000

    M/Benz 203 C180111 Grey Top engineikugumira my 40km$999Call/App 0715990638

    Price: $999

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Regnalt S

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Harare Harare
  • Sedili panca posteriore e cinture Toyota land cruiser kzj90

    cars under 1000

    Price: €800

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Luca L

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Rimini Rimini
  • Toyota

    cars under 1000

    Engine in peaces zvese zviripo gearbox manual six front, slightly negotiable zinara ikuda 380, 0771116318 huya paground

    Price: $750

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Amos P

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Harare Harare
  • Toyota carib

    cars under 1000

    Forsale toyota carib 5A engine in pieces with sealed automatic gearbox good interior, good tyres .Price 700usd only,Call on 0771567802

    Price: $700

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Kudakwashe M

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Chitungwiza Chitungwiza
  • ford bantum 1.3

    ford bantum 1.3

    zinara 2021, needs suspension

    Price: 0

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Jewel M

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Bulawayo Bulawayo
  • 1998 BMW series 3

    cars under 1000

    It's mixing oil n water currently fixing that.318i automatic it has good tyres ryt round.zinara last year April

    Price: $800

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Delroy S

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Bulawayo Bulawayo
  • Toyota platz

    cars under 1000

    Toyota platz broke 8 piston only zinara behind for more info inbox it's 900 negotiate

    Price: $900

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Progy N

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Bulawayo Bulawayo
  • Toyota hilux legend 45

    cars under 1000

    Toyota hilux legend 453.0 D4D 2015 model 4x4 Automatic 150 000km See more

    Price: $35

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Milton G

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Zvishavane Zvishavane
  • Toyota Sienta

    cars under 1000

    Neat in and out engine and gearbox solid Suspension solid Mutero up to date road test kusvika kwawada need 2.5 call 0787228050

    Price: $25

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Emmanuel K

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Harare Harare
  • Guruve for viewing toyota belta mapapers aripo huya namakanika 0771000428

    cars under 1000

    Mota ikumuka handina nhoroondo yakanya ndaitora nhasi mutero 3 term kubvekumashure first on akashaya 0771000428

    Price: $850

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Jeremiah K

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Harare Harare
  • Mazda B1800 0772606385

    cars under 1000

    Yauya mota mota hodha bhero Mazda b18 Everything is intact Zinara upto date Clean engine and gearbox See more

    Price: $39

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Misheck C

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Chitungwiza Chitungwiza
  • Toyota gaia body on wheels

    cars under 1000

    Toyota gaia bord on wheels no engine and gearbox chete. zvesezviripo call or ap 0774995741

    Price: $600

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Erenaus C

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Chitungwiza Chitungwiza
  • Nissan Xtrail T32 12k

    cars under 1000

    Nissan Xtrail T32201512kMileage 199000km See more

    Price: $12

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Emmanuel C

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Harare Harare
  • Toyota starlet

    cars under 1000

    Kick n go Diesel engine Manual transmission 1.3negCall 071706 2463 or app

    Price: $13

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Olsa M

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Harare Harare
  • Mercedes Benz C 200

    cars under 1000

    Mercedes Benz C 200In very good condition Manual transmission Autonater needs service Everything correct See more

    Price: $800

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Toby S

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Bulawayo Bulawayo
  • Nissan caravan complete loom diesel

    Nissan caravan complete loom diesel for sale $180 call 0771 050 305

    Price: $180

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Steadfast A

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
  • Benz C200

    cars under 1000

    Benz C200Clean inside only need touch ups on the bodyOne Kik and goManual 5gearsPetrol engine See more

    Price: $800

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Nataly M

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Bulawayo Bulawayo
  • Toyota vitz body on wheels with gearbox 0771152566

    cars under 1000

    Body on wheels with solid gearbox Engine complete but in pieces Zinara 2 termsPrice $950Location Norton See more

    Price: $950

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Tim M

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Harare Harare
  • Toyota Windom

    cars under 1000

    Toyota WindomAutomatic transmission One kick start Faulty gearbox $650 See more

    Price: $650

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Mike J

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Harare Harare
  • Mazda 626

    cars under 1000

    Automatic ..solid suspension..zvese boeCall 0785520941 app 0712239151 ..Mota iriku Epworth chiremba

    Price: $900

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Israel B

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Harare Harare
  • Nissan sunny 0783845155 0719050772

    cars under 1000

    Need distributor n batterySolid engine n gearboxZinara 2023Neat interior n body0783845155 /0719050772

    Price: $899

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Lilian T

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Harare Harare
  • Nissan xtrail

    cars under 1000

    Nissan Xtrail, Dry Qr20 Petrol Engine, Auto Gearbox, New Tyres, Zinara 05-25, ZiRadio, Smooth Powerful Drive, Gd Clearance @2,600usdBaBecky 0778599299

    Price: $26

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Chivhu N

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Harare Harare
  • Nissan vlp body

    cars under 1000

    No accident Bata tiende kunotora,kabody kakachena ako nekungoisa engine panorton call 0786934103

    Price: $800

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Rudo M

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Harare Harare
  • Clean toyota vitz body on wheels.

    cars under 1000

    Clean body.Zinara August 2024.No engine and gearbox.Call 0775586547.Byo.

    Price: $800

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Patrick N

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Bulawayo Bulawayo
  • 2005 Ford Bantam with NP Diesel needs paper work 0779245510

    cars under 1000

    Bantam with NP Diesel engine Kik and go New tyrs Book available but needs paper work No third plate See more

    Price: $600

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Fredy B

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Chitungwiza Chitungwiza
  • 2006 Toyota axio

    cars under 1000

    Kick n go 4000neg 077 8924193

    Price: $4

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Jones K

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Harare Harare
  • Mercedes Benz W202 111 Engine

    cars under 1000

    Quick Sale Clean Mercedes-Benz W202 111 Engine Cash Price $ 3,200 Negotiable Immaculate Condition Brand New TyresZina See more

    Price: $32

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Allan M

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Harare Harare
  • VW Polo

    cars under 1000

    Kick n go no issues700us07746207380718780190 calls(0783020795 app only)

    Price: $700

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Jayden S

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Mazowe Mazowe
  • Besafe Stokke Carseat with ISOfix

    cars under 1000

    Perfect condition, excellent quality. Available in Harare, 0717360182

    Price: $65

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Mandisi N

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Harare Harare
  • Toyota ipsum 0783845155 0719050772

    cars under 1000

    Kick n goSolid engineFair interior n bodySolid suspension0783845155 /0719050772

    Price: $900

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Lilian T

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Harare Harare
  • Mazda f8 Head 80 0777694005

    cars under 1000

    Mazda f8 Head for sale $80 chete O777694005 THATS

    Price: $80

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Skumbuzo S

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Harare Harare
  • Toyota Carina

    cars under 1000

    Kick nd go manual transmission engine nd gearbox bhoo itai kufona0784216060/0712394419

    Price: $1,000

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Kudakwashe M

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Chegutu Chegutu
  • Only 850usd Vw Passat Automatic transmission 071 842 3957 078

    cars under 1000

    Hodhaa Hodhaa 850usdVw Passat Automatic transmission 071 842 3957/ 078 090 7110 engine and gearbox solid suspension nice mag rimz 1 kick pakumutsa mota irikungodawoo rudo bt kwese kwawada unoendaLocation Dzivarasekwa 2 Post Office See more

    Price: $850

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Taonga A

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Harare Harare
  • Toyota Gaia

    cars under 1000

    Toyota Gaia with New Engine, gearbox, Battery and 4 new commercial tyres 2.5k Kadoma deal 0773211957

    Price: $2

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Odza O

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Kadoma Kadoma
  • Toyota vitz 0783845155 0719050772

    cars under 1000

    Kick n goHaina powerFair interior n bodySolid suspension0783845155 /0719050772

    Price: $800

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Lilian T

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Harare Harare
  • Mercedes Benz c180

    cars under 1000

    Engine negearbox bhoo yaiwanza marevs chete zvichemo paground $950usCall or app 0784216060/0712394419

    Price: $950

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Kudakwashe M

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Mazowe Mazowe
  • Toyota corolla 0783845155 0719050772

    cars under 1000

    Need a distributorNew suspensionSolid engine n gearboxFair interior n body0783845155 /0719050772

    Price: $600

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Lilian T

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Harare Harare
  • Toyota Vits

    cars under 1000

    Kick and go Gearbox fault0780728638 ///// 0717824871

    Price: $700

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Mimie R

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Harare Harare
  • Toyota vits

    cars under 1000

    Motor inomuka inofamba but pump yadhakwa mutero ine chikweretiFona ndiri kuda mari kuseni0780728638///// 0717824871 (1sz)

    Price: $900

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Mannex M

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Harare Harare
  • Toyota corolla for sale

    cars under 1000


    Price: $3

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Takura B

    CARS UNDER 1000 for sale Harare Harare