Brick making machine ZWL2,200 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe Output 14 bricks per vibration Compressed Can work 24 hrs your man power chete Cables available Can make pavers Electric motor available Harare 0771872688 No zvichemo
Price: $2,200
Private Seller: Zimbabwe P
Gk Bricks +263773349367 /+263718293759 ZWL50 Harare Semi common bricks 50us 1000 Common bricks 105us 1000 Facebrick red rustic 300us 1000 I provide payment on delivery your door step. +263773349367 +263718293759
Price: $50
Private Seller: Mazda B
1. Farmbricks....@$45/1000 2. Semi common..@$55/1000 3. Cement blocks..@$0.25 c each 4. Red hard common..@$105/1000 5. Cement common machine compressed bricks....@$90/1000 6. Cement common manual...$75/1000 We also have pitsand, riversand gravel topsoil coal rubbles ,3/4 stones etc Contact Mhofu 0783338118 Trucks for hire available We also do cash on delivery
Price: FREE
Private Seller: Desiree M
5 Roomed Modern House in Mutoko ZWL5,000 Mutoko 5 Roomed Modern House at roof level with face brick finish for sale in Mutoko along Nyamuzuwe Road, 10 minutes drive to Mutoko Centre, Close to Nyamapanda Highway, water available and Plenty of space ideal for projects, Reduced price, Asking USD5000 Call : 0773195059 or WhatsApp +447379271829 or 0732195059
Price: $5,000
Private Seller: Stands, H
Red common bricks $100/1000&$105/1000 Farm bricks $40/1000 Machine compressed$95/1000 Semi common bricks $60/1000 Cement compressed $85/1000 Pitsand$10 per cubic Riversand $12 per cubic 3/4stones $30 per cubic Blocks $1(4) $250/1000 Pavers plan $.16c ...$160/1000 Pavers coloured $.17c...$170/1000 *Same day delivery jus call and we deliver* Call/text/App 0719254420
Price: $40
Private Seller: Enock N
Good news to our customers 3/4stones, Riversand, Pitsand and Gravel are now reduced by 20%discount 3/4stones 20per cubic Riversand $7per cubic Pitsand $5 per cubic cubic Gravel $4 per cubic Bricks Red commons $95 per 1000 We accept all forms of payment We supply everywhere in Zimbabwe We do Cash on delivery C.O.D Call or app 0772926288
Price: $5
Private Seller: Robson G
0779216630 0787160315 Everything You Need for Your Next Construction Project Looking for bricks, sands, stones, gravel, and pavers? Look no further! We have a wide variety of materials to choose from, and our prices are unbeatable. Whether you're building a new home, patio, or driveway, we have the materials you need to get the job done right. We More
Price: FREE
Private Seller: Lobola M
Price: $50
Private Seller: Stands, H
Red common.............$115/1000 Compressed bricks....$95/1000 Semi common............$65/1000 Farm bricks.................$50/1000 Blocks.........................$ for 3 Pitsand, riversand, stones also available For more info call or app 0777400995 Or call 0781187369 totaura
Price: $115
Private Seller: Stands, H
Farm bricks $40 per 1000 Red common $110 pallets Red common singles $105 per 1000 Machine compressed $90 per 1000 Pitsand $10 cubic Riversand $12 per cubic 3/4stones $30 per cubic
Price: $40
Private Seller: Stands, H
All type Bricks for Sale ZWL115 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe $115 per thousand *Join BETTER BRICKS BRAND SALES,SUPPLY & DELIVERY GROUP* *Draft Quotation* For 100,000 Botswana. Sunrise Face bricks you pay $ 50 000(USD0.50cents each) Discounted $3 000 So you pay $47 000 More
Price: $115
Private Seller: Kudakwashe M
Common Palletised Bricks $110 per 1000 ZWL110 Harare Common Palletised Bricks $110 per 1000. Call or WhatsApp 0710806802. Same day delivery.
Price: $110
Private Seller: Prince M
Common Palletised $110 per 1000 ZWL110 Harare Common Palletised Bricks $110 per 1000. Call or WhatsApp 0710806802. Same day
Price: $110
Private Seller: Stands, H
Botswana Face Bricks $450 per 1000 ZWL450 Harare Botswana Face Bricks $450 per 1000. Call or WhatsApp 0710806802. Same day delivery
Price: $450
Private Seller: Stands, H
Farm Bricks $40 per 1000 ZWL40 Harare Farm Bricks $40 per 1000
Price: $40
Private Seller: Stallone C
Cement Machine Compressed Bricks $85 per 1000 ZWL85 Harare Cement Machine Compressed Bricks $85 per 1000. Call or WhatsApp 0710806802. Same day delivery.
Price: $85
Private Seller: Stands, H
RED COMMON.................. $105 PER 1000 FARM BRICKS.................. $40 PER 1000 SEMI COMMON................... $60 PER 1000 COMPRESSED COMMON............ $90 PER 1000 CEMENT COMMON............... $80 PER 1000 BLOCKS RIVER SAND 3 /4 STONE GRAVEL PIT SAND TOP SOIL CALL OR WHAT'SAPP 0785 913 414
Price: FREE
Private Seller: Cars -
All Brick Types for Sale ZWL115 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe $115 per thousand *Join BETTER BRICKS BRAND SALES,SUPPLY & DELIVERY GROUP* *Draft Quotation* For 100,000 Botswana. Sunrise Face bricks you pay $ 50 000(USD0.50cents each) Discounted $3 000 So you pay $47 000 More
Price: $115
Private Seller: Zimbabwe P
Price: $100
Private Seller: Charles H
26400 Corobrik Saphire bricks for urgent sale. ZWL63 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe 26400 Corobrik Saphire bricks for urgent sale. Available in Harare. Just 63cents per brick. Min order 1 pallet. Call/App +263 77 728 4624
Price: $63
Private Seller: Jonasi M
Botswana makoro facebricks ZWL430 Harare Botswana makoro facebricks are available all types from as little as $0.43 each Sunrise Travertine Granite Call or app us on +263784052265
Price: $430
Private Seller: Clency T
Super machine compressed bricks for sale call 0715190641/0715190641 Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo
Price: $85
Private Seller: Deejay-Simshow F
Bricks and Sand ZWL10 Harare Palletized common Bricks Unpalletized common Bricks Face bricks Pitsand Riversand Quarry stones
Price: $10
Private Seller: Omega B
14 drop electric brick moulding machines ZWL1,900 Chitungwiza Powered by a 3Horse power, 3 phase, 2 pole Relmo Electric motor. Can mould 1000 bricks within 45 minutes.
Price: $1,900
Private Seller: Peace S
Brick moulding machines for sale ZWL1,600 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe 0775164873
Price: $1,600
Private Seller: Tatenda T
Palletised Red Common Bricks ZWL110 Harare Palletised Red Common bricks $110 per 1000. Facebricks... Aggregates... 3/4 Stones... #For Cash On Delivery Call: +263773657046 +263714839156 Email:
Price: $110
Private Seller: HARARE H
House For Sale At Murewa ZWL10,000 Murewa ~6 Roomed On 150m Magamba Near Pure Care Academy ~Brick Under Asbestos ~Smooth Cement Floors ~Tubing Done ~Zinwa Water Avail & Ready For Connection ~Electrification In Progress & Zesa Poles In Place ~Swap With A Res Stand & Top Up With Cash, Vehicle, Livestock/Equipment/Machinery Can Be Considered ~Clean Council Cession Papers ~Cash Price 10K usd App/Call Owner On 0716 098 044 0774 762 664
Price: $10,000
Private Seller: Progress M
Quality smart and very affordable strong bricks only for $115 per thousand.Tiger Bricks is the real deal for your building plans Ladies and Gentleman. Get in touch with us today WhatsApp or call on : 0772170998
Price: $115
Private Seller: Zimsales &
House For Sale ZWL270,000 Gweru LUNDIPARK ST ANNES GWERU FOR SALE: SITUATED NEAR FAIRMILE MOTEL: SIZE OF LAND: 2 478 square meters. IMPROVEMENTS Building structure Main House This is a split level reinforced concrete structure with face brick and rendered and part plastered and painted infill panels under tiled roof. The house comprises of 5 bedrooms ,3 bedrooms have ensuite More
Price: $270,000
Private Seller: Brian T
Red common bricks $115 per thousand palleted ZWL115 Harare Call Mr Mutamba Cell : +263717996017 +263780142435 Red Common Bricks Non Pallet......$110Per Thousand Red Common Bricks Pallets..............$115 Per Thousand Smooth Red Common Pallets ..................$120 Per Thousand More
Price: $115
Private Seller: Kdee N
Pit sand -------------------$7 per cubic River sand ---------------$10 Gravel ---------------------$10 3/4 stones --------------$22 Common bricks ------$100 For delivery contact seller +263772844668 +263713831136
Price: $7
Private Seller: Zim M
Cushions ZWL2 Mainway Meadows, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe Docushions cushions Cover .....2.50us Inner......2.50us 3plain 3floral ...$15 Floral covers only $3 Cover and inner $5 .............. Time:8.00am to 5pm Monday to sartaday Sunday closed ................ 0773789865 71 Cameroon narobert Mugabe after building re hyper mall mukatarisa mudenga rakapentwa neorange panexty pacho pane building re brown remaface brick upstairs. Pakanzi muzamil mudenga muroom one ,,,,,,Getty 0773789865 I DELIVER!!!!!
Price: $2
Private Seller: Zimbabwe P
Smooth red common bricks 108 per thousand ZWL108 Harare Call Mr Mutamba Cell : +263717996017 +263780142435 Red Common Bricks Non Pallet......$100Per Thousand Red Common Bricks Pallets..............$105 Per Thousand Smooth Red Common Pallets ..................$108 Per Thousand More
Price: $108
Private Seller: HARARE H
Price: $50
Private Seller: HP L
Red Common $115/1000, Semi Common$60/1000, Cement Machine Compressed $90/1000, Cement Common $70/1000, Blocks 30cents each, Farm $45/1000, Face from $450/1000 e.t.c CONTACT US ON WhatsApp 0783040216 OR CALL 0777987687
Price: $115
Private Seller: Sasha M
Fix and supply. For your quick-do structure(s), cottages, houses, boundary walls, livestock troughs, outside toilets, fowlruns, guard houses etc using stumbel blocs, please get intouch. We manufacture and supply. We can also build for you upon request. These are cheaper & faster to use Vs our normal bricks, hence will save you on time and money. On some of the structures, if finances are tight, you dont necessarily need to put any mortar compared to ordinary bricks because these are interlocking by nature.,
Price: FREE
Private Seller: Zimbabwe P
Volvo brick grabber for sale - 10,000 bricks ZWL30,000 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe 10,000 carrying capacity brick grabber in good condition. $30,000
Price: $30,000
Private Seller: Abel N
Scania R400 brick grabber for sale ZWL30,000 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe Brick grabber for sale.
Price: $30,000
Private Seller: Chris M
Mt Hampden bricks. Contact us on 0772840786............0772787250 ZWL110 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe Let's build with Mt Hampden bricks. Contact us on 0772840786...........0772787250
Price: $110
Private Seller: Precious M
bricks $115 Red solid common bricks Available from $115 usd per thousand Same day delivery Why wait for bricks you have paid for Lets build now now Transport available safe no breakages!! Call 0776933154 or WhatsApp
Price: $115
Private Seller: Cars a
Paver maker and brick making machines ZWL2,200 Tafara, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe Brick and paver making machines Big promotion from as low as 1900 to 2600, reasonable terms accepted. Manual and electronic all available in stock terms and conditions applied. 0719853867
Price: $2,200
Private Seller: Kias C