Page 3 Subaru for Sale in Zimbabwe | Subaru Cars

  • Forester Subaru

    Forester Subaru ZWL1,800 Harare Body on wheels Zinara up-to-date 1800 negotiable Budiriro 4 deal 0718638823 0782202332 Book riripo Engine in pieces (EJ20) Gearbox in good condition

    Price: $1,800

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Cars a

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Harare Harare
  • Subaru Impreza forsale

    classifieds/cars subaru

    Subaru Impreza forsale ZWL8,000 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe 2014 Subaru Impreza 1.5 cc Petrol Duty fully paid Contact: 0773654515

    Price: $8,000

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Clemence Z

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • Subaru Forester 0778641443

    classifieds/cars subaru

    Subaru Forester 0778641443 ZWL1,650 Hatfield, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe Subaru Forester Engine and gearbox never opened Accident free Respray free Suspension solid Zero fault App or call 0778641443

    Price: $1,650

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Tapiwanashe C

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Hatfield, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe Hatfield, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe

    SUBARU EJ20 ENGINE+MANUAL GEARBOX ZWL1,450 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe SUBARU EJ20 ENGINE+MANUAL GEARBOX Petrol Recent import Contact 0779516986

    Price: $1,450

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Nikolai P

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • Subaru Impreza Forsale

    classifieds/cars subaru

    Subaru Impreza Forsale ZWL8,000 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe Recent 2014 Subaru Impreza 1.5cc Petrol Duty Paid 8000Usd slightly negotiable Contact: 0773654515

    Price: $8,000

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Simbarashe M

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • 2009 Subaru Xl

    classifieds/cars subaru

    Everything in good condition, 6k only. Contact 0717380266

    Price: $6,000

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Stands, H

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Gweru Gweru
  • Subaru Forester

    classifieds/cars subaru

    Subaru Forester ZWL1,150 harare fona uchitouya ndakuda mari now enginne ne gearbox zvakanaka suspension iribho zvekuti zinara Ndeya June 2024 book rakarasika as it is ndipe 1150 izvezvi

    Price: $1,150

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: James M

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale harare harare
  • Subaru Forester st b

    classifieds/cars subaru

    Subaru Forester st/b ZWL1,250 Call or app 0785988841 Mota yakanaka iyi Ndini muridzi Huya nebattery rako Test drive toenda kwaurikuda Zinara yakapera June Slightly negotiable paground Mhanyai nemari mutore mota pane zvandirikuda kuita nemari fast

    Price: $1,250

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Stands, H

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Zimbabwe Zimbabwe

    classifieds/cars subaru

    SUBARU FORESTER ZWL2,350 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe *Quicksale Subaru Forestor *Engine and gearbox very perfect *Accident and respray free *Suspension good interior good tyres good *CALLS 0714 475 446 *USD $2350 *CALLS 078 346 4327 **AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION *OPEN FOR SWAP NDIBATEI *itai zvekufona pakudiwa mari very fast

    Price: $2,350

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Cars -

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • Subaru Legacy

    classifieds/cars subaru

    Subaru Legacy ZWL1,300 Harare Body on wheels with gear box. faulty engine original paint no respray. zinara up to date engine type ej20 non turbo ndini muridzi hapana musondosi kana usina mari dont come.

    Price: $1,300

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Tendai H

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Harare Harare

    classifieds/cars subaru

    SUBARU XV HYBRID 0776125415 PRICE 10800 EYESIGHT EDITION 2015 MODEL DUTY FULLY PAID 63 ZWL10,800 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe SUBARU XV HYBRID 0776125415 PRICE 10800 EYESIGHT EDITION 2015 MODEL DUTY FULLY PAID 63000Km Mileage Reverse Camera Bluetooth radio Lane Assist Lots of extras Contact Robin 0776125415

    Price: $10,800

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Adonia T

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • subaru impreza

    subaru impreza ZWL3,400 Bulawayo Clean ,excellent runner engine solid.Gear box solid .No dents still intact .Zinara upto date

    Price: $3,400

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: BULAWAYO C

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Bulawayo Bulawayo
  • Subaru Impreza G4

    classifieds/cars subaru

    Extra clean all round Automatic transmission App/0739611622 Call/0782469116

    Price: $6,500

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Joel C

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • Subaru impreza. 0783771307

    classifieds/cars subaru

    Subaru impreza. 0783771307 ZWL1,300 Mazowe 1300usd Subaru impreza manual transmission everything perfect Location mount Darwin Call or App. 0783771307 NetOne. 0719771307

    Price: $1,300

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Knowledge C

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Mazowe Mazowe
  • Subaru forester

    classifieds/cars subaru

    Subaru forester ZWL1,500 Masvingo 0781425206

    Price: $1,500

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Zim L

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Masvingo Masvingo
  • Subaru Impreza

    classifieds/cars subaru

    Subaru Impreza ZWL4,100 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe Engine and gearbox perfect Suspension Zinara valid Call or Whatsapp 0774123198

    Price: $4,100

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Trevor M

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • Subaru forester

    classifieds/cars subaru

    Subaru forester ZWL3,000 Chitungwiza Subaru forester Powerful machine Clean interior No faults Zinara updated Quick sale only srs people App or call 0783135722

    Price: $3,000

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Robert K

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Chitungwiza Chitungwiza
  • subaru LEGACY

    classifieds/cars subaru

    subaru LEGACY ZWL1,620 harare call 0779700748 engine ne gearbox bho zinara iripo chimhanya nemari

    Price: $1,620

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Senzeni M

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale harare harare
  • subaru B4

    classifieds/cars subaru

    subaru B4 ZWL1,650 harare fona umhanya nemari 0779700748 zinara up to date body neat engine ne gearbox zvakanaka

    Price: $1,650

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Spexial F

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale harare harare
  • subaru Legacy

    classifieds/cars subaru

    subaru Legacy ZWL1,650 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe ndakuda mari now 0715864872 engine and gearbox zvakanaka zinara up to date body neat book ririkuchikwereti che 50 no time wasters

    Price: $1,650

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Ras M

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • Subaru Legacy B4

    Subaru Legacy B4 ZWL1,650 Harare Call or app 0785988841 Zvese boe Zinara up to date Book riri kuchikwereti che50 Fona utore mota yakanaka

    Price: $1,650

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Dolphins B

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Harare Harare
  • Subaru Legacy

    classifieds/cars subaru

    Subaru Legacy ZWL1,900 Mabelreign, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe 0787978224 Subaru legacy 1900USD Non turbo 1.8ltr Engine & Gearbox Virgin Solid suspension 1kick&go Location greencroft Harare Taking Swaps

    Price: $1,900

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Ashley C

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Mabelreign, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe Mabelreign, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe
  • Subaru forester STB

    classifieds/cars subaru

    Call 0785988841 Reduced to go apa Mota yakanaka Zinara up to date Clean in and out Slightly negotiable paground

    Price: $1,750

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Zimbabwe P

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Harare Harare
  • Subaru Forester Turbo charged manual transmission kick and go Asking

    classifieds/cars subaru

    Subaru Forester Turbo charged manual transmission kick and go Asking price is $3000 Negotiable ZWL3,000 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe Subaru Forester Turbo charged manual transmission kick and go Asking price is $3000 Negotiable Call//WhatsApp me on 0785581045

    Price: $3,000

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Pringle M

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • Subaru

    classifieds/cars subaru

    Subaru ZWL1,900 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe *SUBARU WITH SMOOTH DRIVE *Engine and gearbox never been opened *Accident and respray free *Suspension rock solid neat interior *Automatic transmission zinara up to date *CALLS:0789966508 *PRICE: USD $1900 *CALLS:0789569424 *Test drive kusvika kusvika kwamada* *itai zvekufona ndakatsika moto!! ....................................................................

    Price: $1,900

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Tinashe B

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • Subaru

    Subaru faulty alternator inbox 0717057908

    Price: $1,300

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: HP L

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Harare Harare
  • 2004 Subaru legacy other

    classifieds/cars subaru

    2004 Subaru legacy other ZWL1,100 Hatfield subaru leagacy needs zinara Asking $1100 quick sale sale 0773758162 no time wasters pliz pliz

    Price: $1,100

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Cars a

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Hatfield Hatfield
  • 2009 Subaru Forester

    classifieds/cars subaru

    2009 Subaru Forester ZWL6,500 Gweru Everything in order no issues

    Price: $6,500

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Cars -

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Gweru Gweru
  • Subaru forester STB

    Subaru forester STB ZWL1,600 Harare call or app 0785988841 engine solid yakanakisa turbo protecter available gearbox manual suspension iribho body rakanaka ma tyres ese bho no smoke no funny sounds ku engine huya utore uyende

    Price: $1,600

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Stands, H

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Harare Harare
  • Subaru Forester

    classifieds/cars subaru

    Subaru Forester ZWL1,950 Harare Fona 0715864872 Ndini muridzi wemota iyi ndakuda mari Mota iyi yakanaka Engine and gearbox bho Suspension bho Body neat in and out Zinara up to date Huya utore uyende

    Price: $1,950

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Zimsales &

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Harare Harare
  • Subaru Forrester powerful machine 0771528810

    classifieds/cars subaru

    Subaru Forrester powerful machine 0771528810 ZWL4,000 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe Subaru Forester 2,0l turbo Automatic transmission Very powerful machine Low mileage Solid suspension Asking $4000usd Call/App G Blacks 0771528810 0715087504

    Price: $4,000

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Tinåshë N

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • Subaru

    classifieds/cars subaru

    Subaru Impreza manual transmission accident free solid engine and gearbox 1,5litter kufamba mahara $2000 call or up m on 0772341138

    Price: $2,000

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Denver B

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Chitungwiza Chitungwiza
  • Subaru imprezza

    classifieds/cars subaru

    Subaru imprezza ZWL7,500 Harare SUBARU IMPREZZA 1.6L PETROL AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION 2015 MODEL *$7,500 call O777107947

    Price: $7,500

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Zim L

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Harare Harare
  • Honda Fit Gk3 recent import

    classifieds/cars subaru

    Peugeot 208 2015 $6.5k Toyota Porte 2015 $6k Hyundai H100 2019 $12.5k M-Benz E350 2015 $17.8k Hino Ranger 2005 $20.5k M-Benz A45 2015 $22k Mazda Bongo 2015 $8.5k Toyota Hiace 2019 $18.5k Subaru XV 2015 $9.2k Honda Fit Gk3 2015 $8.8k Mitsubishi Delica $9k Honda Vezel 2014 $13.3k Toyota CHR 2017 $25k Nissan March 2014 $6.3k Fortuner d4d 2014 $28.5k WhatsApp/Call 0780021223 Milton Park for viewing Recent imports and clean used cars

    Price: ZAR8,800

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Zimsales &

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • Subaru impreza

    classifieds/cars subaru

    Subaru impreza ZWL3,800 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe Subaru Impreza 1.5l Manual transmission Neat all round App or call on 0773361553

    Price: $3,800

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Knievel C

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • Subaru Impreza

    classifieds/cars subaru

    Subaru Impreza ZWL3,600 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe Subaru Impeza 1.5l, neat fuel saver Auto transmission Virgin engine and gear box Solid suspension Zinara Up to date Price $3600 App or call on 0773361553

    Price: $3,600

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Zim L

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • Subaru B4 Legacy

    classifieds/cars subaru

    Subaru B4 Legacy ZWL3,500 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe Subaru Legacy B4 1999 MODEL. 2L Automatic transmission Petrol Engine. Clean interior and engine.

    Price: $3,500

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Zimsales &

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe

    classifieds/cars subaru

    SUBARU FORESTER XT ZWL2,700 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe 2700USD CASH call 077 809 7873 Subaru Forester xt Turbocharged atanga atanga hodha price Automatic transmission Original set up from import Solid engine and gearbox No accidents no respray done 2litre Ej20 engine intact New shocks... New tyres One owner since import 4x4 Off Road beast Suitable for all roads in zimbabwe Location Harare ..early deal

    Price: $2,700

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Rtm M

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • subaru forestor xt

    classifieds/cars subaru

    subaru forestor xt ZWL4,250 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe clean call or app 0782903398 or 0713347047

    Price: $4,250

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Jack P

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • Forrester

    classifieds/cars subaru

    Forrester ZWL2,500 Bindura Subaru Forester manual non turbo for sale $2500neg. No issues. New tyres Virgin engine and transmission, smooth drive Zinara valid 31/10/24 Swap accepted 0777338950 I'm the owner

    Price: $2,500

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Tatenda C

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Bindura Bindura
  • Subaru legacy BL5

    classifieds/cars subaru

    Subaru legacy BL5 ZWL4,000 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe Subaru legacy BL5 2006 Turbo 2.0 engine Neat & running well

    Price: $4,000

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Zimsales &

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • 2002 Subaru Legacy Station wagon

    classifieds/cars subaru

    2002 Subaru Legacy Station wagon ZWL2,000 Chegutu Subaru legacy twin turbo . Suspension need attention zinara expired april

    Price: $2,000

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Emmanuel N

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Chegutu Chegutu
  • Subaru breaking 0777522886 0780256526

    classifieds/cars subaru

    Subaru breaking 0777522886 / 0780256526 ZWL2 Harare Breaking subaru legacy non turbo Doors Sub assemble Glasses Mirrors Megs Gearbox E.t.c ...

    Price: $2

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Musiyamwa B

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Harare Harare
  • Subaru forester

    classifieds/cars subaru

    Subaru forester smooth drive asking price $ 0719234787

    Price: $1,400

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Zimbabwe C

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Harare Harare
  • Subaru Forester

    classifieds/cars subaru

    Subaru Forester ZWL1,400 Driving but needs suspension and service Zinara 2 months behind 0771587523

    Price: $1,400

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Mazda B

    CLASSIFIEDS/CARS SUBARU for sale Zimbabwe Zimbabwe