iPhone 11promax 256gb Faceid True tone Ready to reset Super clean EX Uk $310
Price: $310
Seller: Zimbabwe C
iPhone Xr 128gb ZWL150 Harare 96% battery health iOS 17.6.1 Dual sim Face id True tone Ready to reset Amazing cameras Clean as new 0784992144
Price: $150
Seller: Home B
Iphone 6 ZWL35 Harare 64gb Clean everything Mint condition 0715312708
Price: $35
Seller: Donnell P
iPhone 8plus ZWL120 Harare IPhone 8 plus 64gig Touch Camera clear Battery Condition Clean Priced @$120
Price: $120
Seller: Ignatious G
Price: $80
Seller: Esther K
I ZWL1,100 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe iPhone promax 15 256G battery 100% please app or call 0772809701
Price: $1,100
Seller: Stands, H
256GB 84% battery Face ID ✅ True Tone ✅ iOS 18 beta No scratches or cracks , clean Cash or swap with 12 pro
Price: 500
Seller: Paul M
iPhone XR 128GB ZWL180 Harare Storage 128GB Battery 77% Good as new True tone and face ID working $180 0776582868
Price: $180
Seller: Blessing R
64g storage 100% batterie Touch ID works True Tone display Swap deals If interested please hit me on 0782312605
Price: $100
Seller: Zimbabwe C
All phone accesories available ie Huawei Oppo Redmi Iphone Samsung Nothing phone Tablets Contact 0771317233 Free delivery around CBD
Price: FREE
Seller: Pardon T
iPhone 13 ZWL410 Mabelreign, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe clean phone 128 gig face id works battery life 85% everything works
Price: $410
Seller: John J
iphone 12 64gb ZWL310 Graniteside, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe iphone 12 64gb $310 0787734000
Price: $310
Seller: Zimbabwe P
Icasa approved iphone 13 ZWL480 Harare, Zimbabwe Iphone 13(icasa ) Storage 128GB Colour. Blue /red/military green Condition. Mint
Price: $480
Seller: HP L
iPhone 12 ZWL280 Harare iPhone 12 True Tone Face ID Battery 98% App or call 0787441100
Price: $280
Seller: Puzzle M
S20 Ultra 256GB (BOXED) $260 @TABLE G58 CENTURY MALL,CNR N MANDELA & J NYERERE HRE CBD ASK 4(MOSES) ZWL260 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe Unbelievable August Wholesale Prices From 1 Phone Original,Brand New Boxed And Sealed Iphones @Table g58 Century Mall (0786719101) Iphone X 64gb $170 Iphone X 256gb $190 Iphone Xr 64gb $230 Iphone Xr 128gb $250 Iphone Xsmax 64gb $260 Iphone Xs Max 256gb $280 Iphone 11 64gb $280 Iphone 11 128gb $280 More
Price: $260
Seller: Cars -
Samsung S20 ULTRA 256GB $260 @TABLE G58 CENTURY MALL,CNR N MANDELA & J NYERERE HRE CBD ASK 4(MOSES) ZWL260 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe Unbelievable August Wholesale Prices From 1 Phone Original,Brand New Boxed And Sealed Iphones @Table g58 Century Mall (0786719101) Iphone X 64gb $170 Iphone X 256gb $190 Iphone Xr 64gb $230 Iphone Xr 128gb $250 Iphone Xsmax 64gb $260 Iphone Xs Max 256gb $280 Iphone 11 64gb $280 Iphone 11 128gb $280 More
Price: $260
Seller: Zimbabwe P
Everything cleans as new Quick Sell Only serious buyers Inbox for negotiations WhatsApp 0672836743
Price: ZAR6,300
Seller: Zimsales &
Iphone XR ZWL200 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe Boss Yama Boss Yat Technologys Brand New phones and laptop Phone and laptop repair software Smart HD TV decoder sound bars Solar system fridge Boss Yama Boss Yat Technologys Whatsapp and calls)0788866915)787508388 Located at Cameroon and robart Mugabe 73 hypa cyt mall table 2 left row
Price: $200
Seller: Rue K
iPhone 12 pro max 256gb ZWL460 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe iPhone 12 pro max 256gb storage Face id working True tone display Battery 97% Swap with iPhone 460usd
Price: $460
Seller: Zimsales &
IPHONES ZWL1 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe New stock price list 0776754886 6sp 128GB $135 7p 128GB $160 8P 256GB $200 X 64GB $190 X 256GB $210 XR 64GB $195 XR 128GB $240 XS MAX 64GB $245 More
Price: $1
Seller: Cleamence M
Iphone 15 promax ZWL950 Harare 128gb 100% App/call :0719984991
Price: $950
Seller: Brian C
IPhone 11 ZWL210 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe IPhone 11 128gb 75% battery Reset Face id Clean all round $230
Price: $210
Seller: Cars -
iPhone 13 Pro Max ZWL600 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe Iphone 13pro max Internal storage 256Gb Face ID Battery 83% True tone Color Pearl Blue Condition Extremely New Price 600usd
Price: $600
Seller: Bishop M
Quick sale Iphone 13 promax Storage 256 BATTERY 96 FACE ID TRUE TONE $570.00 http ZWL570 Hatfield, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe Quick sale Iphone 13 promax Storage 256 BATTERY 96 FACE ID TRUE TONE $570.00 https://chat.whatsapp.com/KQctqbpSIzZ5qVjpbEQRiS
Price: $570
Seller: Calvin D
Iphone 13 Pro Max ZWL570 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe 128 gig 84% battery healthy True tone Face id App or Call 0783826112 0714580746
Price: $570
Seller: Brighton C
Type-C Earphones for Sale ZWL15 Harare Type-C Earphones for sale, Suitable for smartpbones and the latest iPhone 15 range, Price -: 15USD, Contact or WhatsApp 0712380919 for quick responses
Price: $15
Seller: Travis N
iPhone 6S ZWL60 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe Battery 87% Touch pad:still working Storage:32gb
Price: $60
Seller: Zimbabwe C
Samsung s22 ultra...$480us 12gb RAM 256gb MEMORY Iphone 14 256gb ....$600 US Have face id No true tone Battery 98% Samsung s10 5g ......$220 12gb RAM 500gb storage 0776632951 ..App or CaLL
Price: FREE
Seller: Zimbabwe C
iPhone 14 Promax ZWL750 Harare, Zimbabwe iPhone 14 promax 256GB BATTERY 88 FACE ID TRUE TONE
Price: $750
Seller: Stands, H
iPhone 7 plus 128gb ZWL60 Hatfield, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe 128gb storage 100% Battery health Original Touch ID working Audio problem $60 https://wa.me/263714184256 0714184256 WHATSAPP OR CALLS Email: themarketierszim@gmail.com Twitter The Marketiers Zimbabwe Facebook The Marketiers Zimbabwe Instagram The Marketiers Zimbabwe
Price: $60
Seller: Zimsales &
Iphone 8 plus ZWL110 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe 64g storage 86% battery health Touch id works Clean cameras Swap accepted If interested contact me on 0782312605
Price: $110
Seller: Neva N
Iphone 11 (128gb) ZWL220 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe 128gb memory Truetone FaceID Brand new battery Call/App 0719944658
Price: $220
Seller: Arthur H
iPhone 11.....ON HELLO ZWL50 Harare 128gb Locked ON HELLO $50
Price: $50
Seller: HP L
iPhone 14 Pro Max 256gb ZWL920 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe iPhone 14 Pro Max 256gb storage Battery 100% Face id True tone With box Everything perfect App or call 0776639776
Price: $920
Seller: Brandon W
Iphone 15 promax 5G titanium with facetime ZWL1,000 Harare
Price: $1,000
Seller: Hazvitinetsi G
iPhone 11 128gg ZWL200 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe iPhone 11 128gg Face working True Tone Storage Battery whole day Open for swap serious people only 0785272779
Price: $200
Seller: Cars -
Iphone x ZWL130 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe 64g 76% battery Face id works True tone display If interested message or call me on 0782312605
Price: $130
Seller: Munashe C
Iphone 7 ZWL60 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe 128g 100% battery Touch id works Available for swap If interested message or call me on 0782312605
Price: $60
Seller: Tatenda T
iphone 12 64gb ZWL310 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe iphone 12 storage 64gb battery health 85% face id true tone reset $310 +263 785 395 436
Price: $310
Seller: Zim L
Iphone 13 pro ZWL530 Now ZWL450 Umwindzidale Iphone 13 Pro Storage: 128 GB Battery : 87% Face ID Truetone NB: Cash Deal, *Swop & Top is Expensive* Contact Tira On: +263780836063
Price: $530 Now $450
Seller: Tinotenda C
Iphone xr (128g) ZWL180 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe 128g storage 82% battery health Face id works True tone display Open for swaps If interested message or call me on 0782312605
Price: $180
Seller: Zimbabwe C
Quick sell iphone xr ZWL160 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe 128g storage 80% battery health Face id works Available for swap If interested contact me on 0782312605
Price: $160
Seller: Zimbabwe C
iphone 12 64gb ZWL310 Eastlea, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe iphone 12 storage 64gb battery health 85% face id true tone reset $310 +263 785 395 436
Price: $310
Seller: Terrence C
Boxed IPhone 12 Pro Max ZWL600 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe Boxed Ex American IPhone 12 Pro Max 128 GB Non Refurb Battery 100% Everything working perfectly Warranty Guaranteed Product 600 usd negotiable Call or app 0774295801 /0719295801
Price: $600
Seller: Cars a