Page 4 Freezit Making Machine for Sale in Zimbabwe: Low Price Freezit Machine

  • Chikwambo chirikutora Mari paghetto neparuzevha

    freezit making machine

    Sahwira Mira timborangana timboronga tichine mukana dai taiziva ramangwana ...Unozviziva here kuti unogona kutoita Mari uchishandisa machine wemafreezits ukatoita Mari kusvika pakutobhadhara mabills Ako ese,Machine uyu unoita $180,Kana waufarira Isa like usabve usina kusiya something,+263777931877

    Price: $180

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Mudimu T

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • For all your green soap wholesale or retail all types

    freezit making machine

    For all your green soap wholesale or retail, all types of machines like soap making machines either manual or electric, hammer mills, dish washer machines, freezit machines, maputi machine, dovi machine, candle moulds, maize sheller get intouch with us on 0714577791 /0771474634 we are at willovale industries moreso we sell all types of soap ingredients, cobra and candles ingredients

    Price: $6

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Nomore T

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • Manual Freezit making semi auto freezit making machine

    freezit making machine

    Ndiwe wega wasara urikuchema kuti salary haisi kukwana...unozviziva here kuti nemushini wema freezits uyu unogona kuita mari?,Unogona kutotanga bhizinesi rako ne $120 chaiyo. Kana wafarira machine baya like usabve usina kusiya something... Number dzekufona dze whatsapp or call 0719233989

    Price: FREE

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Nick N

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • Uri kuzviziva here izvi

    freezit making machine

    Automatic freezit making machine$1700,Unozviziva here kuti unogona kutoita mari uchishandisa mushini wema freezit,yeDovi etc....? Ukatenga machine uyu unotoyambuka chete haife yakakwana sahwira. Tibate izvezvi utenge machine wako.,Kana wafarira this machine baya like usabve pa post ino… See more usina kusiya something..

    Price: $1,700

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Sean N

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • Freezit making machine semi auto Automatic and manuals

    freezit making machine

    Automatic marking machine Welcome to Zambezi engineering services please don't forget the promotion 15 percent discount this month of December 2021. I'm specialist of Automatic machine only if u want Perfect Automatic Freezit marking machine come to Zambezi electrical engineering we also do ma #deliveries� and Tino offer ma #… More services � Kuma machines edu ne enye amagara munawo henyu at low cost.And kana matenga machine kwatiri tinokudzidzisai kuushandisa mahara�

    Price: $1,700

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Tsungirirai P

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Harare Harare
  • Freezit making machine Automatic semi auto and manuals

    freezit making machine

    Welcome to Zambezi engineering services, please don't forget the promotion 10 percent discount this month of February 2022 I'm specialist of Automatic machine only if u want Perfect Automatic Freezit marking machine come to Zambezi electrical engineering we also do ma #deliveries� and Tino offer ma # services � Kuma machines edu… More ne enye amagara munawo henyu at low cost.And kana matenga machine kwatiri tinokudzidzisai kuushandisa mahara�

    Price: ZWL74

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Tsungirirai P

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Harare Harare
  • Chikwambo chirikutora Mari paghetto neparuzevha

    freezit making machine

    Sahwira Mira timborangana timboronga tichine mukana dai taiziva ramangwana ...Unozviziva here kuti unogona kutoita Mari uchishandisa machine wemafreezits ukatoita Mari kusvika pakutobhadhara mabills Ako ese,Machine uyu unoita $120,Kana waufarira Isa like usabve usina kusiya something,+263777931877

    Price: $120

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Ngoni O

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Magaba, Harare Magaba, Harare
  • Unoda here kuramba uchitambura

    freezit making machine

    Sahwira Mira timborangana timboronga tichine mukana dai taiziva ramangwana ...Unozviziva here kuti unogona kutoita Mari uchishandisa machine wemafreezits ukatoita Mari kusvika pakutobhadhara mabills Ako ese,Machine uyu unoita $1700,Kana waufarira Isa like usabve usina kusiya something,+263777931877

    Price: $120

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Ngoni O

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Magaba, Harare Magaba, Harare
  • Chikwambo chirikutora Mari paghetto neparuzevha

    freezit making machine

    Sahwira Mira timborangana timboronga tichine mukana dai taiziva ramangwana ...Unozviziva here kuti unogona kutoita Mari uchishandisa machine wemafreezits ukatoita Mari kusvika pakutobhadhara mabills Ako ese,+263777931877,Machine uyu unoita $1700,Kana waufarira Isa like usabve usina kusiya something baya link uone mamachines Ari papage redu anokwanisa kukuendesa kumberi

    Price: $120

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Brighton M

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Goromonzi Goromonzi
  • Chikwambo chirikutora Mari paghetto neparuzevha

    freezit making machine

    Usapfuura usina kunzwisisa nekuti....,Unoda here kuramba uchitambura kusvika nguva yekuti unofunga kuda kuromba ?,Waizviziva here kuti unogona kutoendesa mwana kuchikoro kubhadhara marentals uchishandisa machine unogadzira mafreezits,unobika machips,unogadzira maputi kana unokuya dovi......Sahwira akuruma nzeve ndewako tenga machine wemafreezits… See more kana unokuya dovi nemari shoma shoma wototanga business rako ......Please zvekuromba siyana nazvo tanga business rako usabve usina kuliker post yedu kana page redu kana wafarira mamachines edu.....

    Price: $120

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Ngonidzashe M

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • Call or app 0775562163 for Freezit making machines

    freezit making machine

    Available are automating and manual freezit making machines ....both singld lane and double lane

    Price: FREE

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Tanyaradzwa M

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Harare Harare
  • Ndiwe wasara

    freezit making machine

    Don't skip,Ndiwe wega wasara. Pano paita michina yakanaka,Tinoita ma delivery kwese kwamuri muZimbabwe.. number dzekufona 0719233989 Kuti uone zvinhu zvacho dzvanya catalogue iri,Munokwanisa kuenda pa page riripasi apo then moliker kuti musasare pama updates ezvinhu zvatogadzira,

    Price: FREE

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Nick N

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • Ma hodha hodha ndibatei moona Gusheshe iro ndakapfekedza munhu ne

    freezit making machine

    Awuya mukomana ANOTENGESA mota kunge maFreezits 2mins ndoita uyite cash muhomwe 0788665327 app me nema pics emota yako kwauri hakuna basa inofamba kana haifambe no Job futi app mie now usanonoke time is money 0787900913 app with pics n location wth all details need srs pple plizz

    Price: $1,400

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Tatenda C

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Harare Harare
  • Side hustle

    freezit making machine

    Please don't skip .......,Unoda here kuramba uchitambura kusvika nguva yekuti unofunga kuda kuromba ?,Waizviziva here kuti unogona kutoendesa mwana kuchikoro kubhadhara marentals uchishandisa machine unogadzira mafreezits,unobika machips,unogadzira maputi kana unokuya dovi......Sahwira akuruma nzeve ndewako tenga machine wemafreezits kana unokuya… More dovi nemari shoma shoma wototanga business rako ......Please zvekuromba siyana nazvo tanga business rako usabve usina kuliker post yedu kana page redu kana wafarira mamachines edu.....

    Price: $120

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Ngonidzashe M

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • High profit business

    freezit making machine

    Unozviziva here kuti unogona kutoita mari uchishandisa mushini wedovi, wemafreezits kana mimwewo mishini watinawo?..Baya palink iripasi woliker page redu.Ukangodaro ibva watarisa machines atinawo akachipa

    Price: $1,200

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Ngonidzashe M

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Magaba, Harare Magaba, Harare
  • Peanut butter making machine and many more.

    freezit making machine

    Dont let anyone tell you what to invest in.,Visit And remember to Follow your dream. We have Fantastic Machines for sale. Available at great prices.,Price Range US$120-$3500 》+ ¤Nb contact us for more information on prices and specs. `Product line up Machines include_ ☆Freezit making machine °manual freezit making machine.… More °semi auto freezit making mavhine. °automatic freezit making machine. ☆ Drink filling machine _ plant. ☆ Mixers _ drink & detergents. ☆ Grinding mill_ hammer mill ☆ Peanut butter making machine °roaster °peeling °shellers °blowers ☆ Soap making machine_manual,domestic & industrial. ☆ Brick making machine ☆ Broom stick making machine `etc_

    Price: $150

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Taku N

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • Autopack Freezit machine

    freezit making machine

    Single packaging

    Price: $1,400

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Mhlanga S

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Harare Harare
  • Mr Freeze

    freezit making machine

    Wholesale Mr Freeze Freezits. Big pack of 50 units $2.80 and small $1.80 Lockdown business. Whatsapp 0772 595 523

    Price: FREE

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Stewart T

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Harare Harare
  • Freezits machines Peanut butter Grindingmill Hammermill Soap machines Drinks machines mixers Put Gun

    freezit making machine

    Freezits machines,Peanut butter;Grindingmill,Hammermill,Soap machines,Drinks machines,mixers,Put Gun,Please don't forget the promotion 15 percent discount for any machine then pa Automatic machine pane free plastic and concentrate zvinogadzira 3000 mafreezits 📞,Manual Freezit making machine single phase powerd 1. Single lane manual $120 usd it… More makes 15 unit's per minute inenge ine 65 liters tank 2. Double lane manual $180 usd it makes 25 unit's per minute inenge ine 2 ma 65 liter tank

    Price: $150

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Tafadzwa Z

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • making machine

    Fantastic Machines for sale. Available at great prices.,Price Range US$120-$3500,◇Machines include ●Freezit making machine °manual freezit making machine. °semi auto freezit making mavhine. °automatic freezit making machine. ●Drink filling machine _ plant. ●Mixers _ drink & detergents. ●Grinding mill_ hammer mill… More ●Peanut butter making machine ●roaster ●peeling ●shellers ●blowers ●Soap making machine_manual,domestic & industrial. ●Brick making machine ●Broom stick making machine □etc

    Price: $120

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: John N

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
  • Brick making Machine Peanut Butter Machine For Sale freezit making machine

    freezit making machine

    Brick making Machin ,Peanut Butter Machine For Sale,Makes 10k-15k bricks per day,$4500

    Price: $4,500

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Tongai M

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Queensdale, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe Queensdale, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe
  • Business startup machines from 100 USD App or Call 0776836100

    freezit making machine

    We deliver nationwide to your door step App 0776836100 Putiguns Freezit machines Peanut butter machines Chip frier Grinding mills Hammer mills Candle moulder

    Price: $100

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Benjamin K

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Harare Harare
  • Freezit Making business

    freezit making machine

    Training free Delivery available It makes 45 freezits per minute 12 months warranty It uses single phase electricity generator or solar system

    Price: $1,700

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Shepherd M

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • freezit making machine

    Bring your imagination to reality with our amazing products with our end of year promotion 10% discount.

    Price: Contact seller

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Taku N

  • Mr freezit making machines 45units per minute 220v

    freezit making machine

    #Automatic marking machine# Welcome to Zambezi engineering services I'm specialist of Automatic machine only if u want Perfect Automatic Freezit marking machine come to Zambezi electrical engineering we also do ma #deliveries🚚 and Tino offer ma # services 🛠️ Kuma machines edu ne enye amagara munawo henyu at low cost.And kana matenga… More machine kwatiri tinokudzidzisai kuushandisa mahara🕹️

    Price: $1,700

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Lloyd Z

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • freezit making machine

    Bring your imagination to reality with our amazing products with our end of year promotion 10% discount.,All machines are ◇available for sale◇ ●Freezit making machine °manual freezit making machine. °semi auto freezit making mavhine. °automatic freezit making machine. ●Drink filling machine _ plant. ●Mixers _ drink & detergents. ●Grinding mill_… See more hammer mill ●Peanut butter making machine °roaster °peeling °shellers °blowers ●Soap making machine_manual,domestic & industrial. ●Brick making machine ●Broom stick making machine □etc

    Price: Contact seller

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Namix N

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
  • Freezit making machine Automatic Semi Auto and manuals Single phase

    freezit making machine

    Manual Freezit making machine single phase powerd 1. Single lane manual $120 usd it makes 15 unit's per minute inenge ine 65 liters tank 2. Double lane manual $180 usd it makes 25 unit's per minute inenge ine 2 ma 65 liter tank,#.Semi auto Freezit marking machine single phase,1. Single lane semi auto $500 usd it makes 35 unit's per minute inenge… More ine 80 litre tank 2. Double lane semi auto $800 usd it makes 70 unit's per minute inenge ine 2 ma 80 litre tank

    Price: $1,700

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Zambezi Z

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • shellers blower

    It is easy to sit up and take notice, What is difficult is getting up and taking action. If you see this post it means you are lucky. Its time to take action and make money. All machines are available for sale ●Freezit making machine_manual,semi auto & automatic. ● Puti gun/Popcorn machine ●Drink filling machine _ plant. ●Mixers _ drink &… See more

    Price: Contact seller

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Sean N

  • Single lane freezit Making Machine Automatic

    freezit making machine

    Single lane Single phase Training free Delivery available

    Price: $1,700

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Ngonidzashe M

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Harare Harare
  • Single lane freezit Making Machine

    freezit making machine

    Single lane freezit Making Machine Automatic $1700

    Price: $1,700

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Ngonidzashe M

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
  • Freezit making machine_manual zw

    freezit making machine

    It’s not about what you heard or tested but it’s all going to be the sips that you take!!!,More than 2600 freezits are sealed per hour,Contact seller 0774945188 0786869592

    Price: FREE

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Sean N

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • shellers blower

    It is easy to sit up and take notice. What is difficult is getting up and taking action. If you see this post it means you are lucky. Its time to take action and make money. All you need is machines that are of good quality.,●Freezit making machine_manual,semi auto & automatic. ●Drink filling machine _ plant. ●Mixers _ drink & detergents.… See more ●Grinding mill_ hammer mill ●Peanut butter making machine_roasters,peeling,shellers & blower. ●Soap making machine_manual,domestic & industrial. ●Brick making machine ●Broom stick making machine □etc

    Price: Contact seller

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Namix N

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
  • Single lane freezit Making Machine Automatic

    freezit making machine

    Single phase Training free Delivery available Negotiation accepted

    Price: $1,700

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Ngonidzashe M

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale 36 Harare street Harare Zimbabwe 36 Harare street Harare Zimbabwe
  • Food processing machines

    freezit making machine

    We do maputi gun machine. Peanut butter machine's. Grinding mills. Freezits making machine. Maize sheller. Groundnuts shelling machine etc come and get yours today to start y own business. 0771837126 /0714733335

    Price: $1

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Blessing B

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Harare Harare
  • This speaker cant cange your life in so many ways

    freezit making machine

    These speakers can literaly Shows Us Kuti surely size doesnt mater,Nehudiki hwawo they can still Sound very good and the bass and treble are all of out of this world,Owning one will not improve your hearing but also boost your health.. Imagine paying a voice recording from your wife or gf ooops sounds so soothing,For just $85usd your house can Sound unique kuita kunge freezit,Please buy one and thank me later,Zim Catering Giants the home of quality

    Price: $85

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Walter P

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Chitungwiza Chitungwiza
  • Peanut butter machine for sale freezit machine for sale

    freezit making machine

    Peanut butter machine for sale , freezit machine for sale , semi Auto freezit machine for sale ,roaster for sale ,hammer mill for sale Many more,Research shows that the biggest barrier to ongoing success isn’t time, money or resources — it’s resistance to change and lack of risk tolerance. What most people don’t know is you risk being left behind… See more if you stay put and don’t continue to grow.Don’t try to predict the future. Instead, study events as they take shape, and adapt.You’re going to hear “no” more often than “yes” in life. And sometimes, no often simply means “no for now” — so don’t hesitate to try later, as circumstances can change.

    Price: FREE

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Sean N

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • Automatic freezit machine 0776 679 629 1800

    freezit making machine

    Automatic freezit machine $1800 usd 220 volts(1 hp single phase motor) 40 freezits per minute Makes any size freezits App for video 0776 679 629

    Price: $1,800

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Dlux M

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Harare Harare
  • Single lane freezit Making Machine Automatic

    freezit making machine

    Usamirire mari yesalary tine zvimwe zvekuti muite tenga machine wako one utange business rako now...... Single lane freezit Making Machine Automatic unogadzira 45 mafreezits per minute usasarire tanga business rako uite mari

    Price: $1,700

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Ngonidzashe M

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Harare Harare
  • Weekend Yakunaka Zvakare Kuita Kunge Freezit

    freezit making machine

    This Weekend Promotion Approved By Office Team,Sausage Makers,Small was $110 now $65 usd,Medium was $175 now $100,Big machine was $200 now $120 usd,All machines this weekend only Comes with Free scales,Hurry Hurry whilst stocks Last,We also have chips friers all friers Comes with Free potatoes and chips cutter,We are zim CATERING giants,Mamonya Matete

    Price: FREE

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Godknows A

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Norton Norton
  • Freezit Machine

    freezit making machine

    40 freezits per Minute,Call or App +263 77 667 9629

    Price: FREE

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Russell C

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Harare Harare
  • Automatic freezit Machine

    freezit making machine

    Automatic freezit Machine 40 freezits per minute 220 volts Makes any size freezits $1800 Usd App or call for video 0776 679 629

    Price: $1,800

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Dlux M

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Harare Harare
  • Food Processing and Project Machines for SALE

    freezit making machine

    Maputi guns, freezit machines, peanut butter machines, candle Molders, chip fryers, candle Molders, grinding Mills, deullers, hummer mills, manual oil press, manual water pumps, nut shellers, maize shellers,nut roasters,nut splitters for sale.Call/app Fungai on 0773379894/0719379796/0783077846

    Price: $1

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Fungai M

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Harare Harare
  • Freezit making machine freezit machine freezit machine for

    freezit making machine

    Freezit making Machines for sale,Manual ,Semi Auto , Automatic,Single phase,Call/whatsapp +263774945188

    Price: $120

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Sean N

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • Freezits making machines mixers peanut butter machine roaster grinding mill drink filling plant

    freezit making machine

    Research shows that the biggest barrier to ongoing success isn’t time, money or resources — it’s resistance to change and lack of risk tolerance. What most people don’t know is you risk being left behind if you stay put and don’t continue to grow. Don’t try to predict the future. Instead, study events as they take shape, and adapt.You’re going to… Ona hear “no” more often than “yes” in life. And sometimes, no often simply means “no for now” — so don’t hesitate to try later, as circumstances can change.

    Price: Free

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Nhematronics

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • Automatic Freezit making machine single phase

    freezit making machine

    #Automatic marking machine# Welcome to Zambezi engineering services I'm specialist of Automatic machine only if u want Perfect Automatic Freezit marking machine come to Zambezi electrical engineering we also do ma #deliveries🚚 and Tino offer ma # services 🛠️ Kuma machines edu ne enye amagara munawo henyu at low cost.And kana matenga… Ona machine kwatiri tinokudzidzisai kuushandisa mahara🕹️

    Price: $1,700

    Product SellerPrivate Seller: Lloyd Z

    FREEZIT MAKING MACHINE for sale Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe