1 kic and go perfect engine and gearbox zinnara on exemption 0785702687
Price: $1,600
Private Seller: Ashton N
App or call 0714242056Nissan champ Manual Petrol everything Perfect kick n go $1000
Price: $1,000
Private Seller: Jay B
Registration book lost, vehicle licence expired 31 December 2024. New tyre's all round
Price: 2200
Private Seller: Andrew
Toyota Hilux Champ2024 Brand newDelivery km2.4L deisel 4x2 See more
Price: $50,000
Private Seller: Eliezer C
Tuma champ twakanaka twese turi two, 1.550 usd each, ma kick n go, cal 0784969768
Price: $1,550
Private Seller: Vims M
Clean truck, kane champ engine yakanakisa ipapa, zinara one term behind , 880 usd Cal 0784969768
Price: $880
Private Seller: Vims M
Nissan champ no zinara 900 us neg phone 0772287014/0712520007
Price: $900
Private Seller: Ngoni G
Champ for sale ZWL1,100 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe Kick and go, mutero wakaguma 2021. If interested call me 0777194269. Hazvina musondosi
Price: $1,100
Private Seller: Cars a
Nissan champ ZWL2,100 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe Call me on 0775718128//0782942290 Engine and gearbox perfect suspension intact zinara current
Price: $2,100
Private Seller: David K
Nissan Champ Pickup Truck, 5 Speed Manual Transmission ZWL4,000 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe Nissan Champ 5 Speed Manual Transmission Runs Smoothly
Price: $4,000
Private Seller: Pedzisai M
Quick Sale Nissan Champ Kick n Go Powerful engine Needs Zinara $1350 0779940328/0711429866
Price: $1,350
Private Seller: Zimbabwe C
Nissan champ ZWL1,500 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe Kick and go. Haina musondosi iyi ndini muridzi. Huya ne mari yako udzokere uchi driver . Mutero not upto date ,
Price: $1,500
Private Seller: Allen D
1999 Madza F13 ZWL500 Bulawayo Madza f13 body on wheel with 1400 nissan champ gear box just needs an engine champ .. Book is there Body still intact App n call on 0771632353 fr more info
Price: $500
Private Seller: Farai K
Champ nd 323 ZWL450 Harare Champ and 323 reduced to 450 mutero hapana for more information 0772232104 or 0787178483
Price: $450
Private Seller: Blessed M
Nissan champ ZWL1,350 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe Kick and go hapana chekubata Call 0777078125 Ruwa deal $1350
Price: $1,350
Private Seller: IamVictor C
2008 Nissan champ 1400 Nissan champ ZWL550 Harare Good condition Need zinara 2013 Carburettor need attention 0777251464 Battery needed Kuwadzana phase 3 Harare
Price: $550
Private Seller: Takudzwa N
Neat nissan champ a14 engine 2007 model South Africa
Price: 2500
Private Seller: Andrew M
Nissan Champ 1400 Bakkie kick n go call 0785185331 thank you ZWL1,900 Harare Call Taque 0776905814 thank you
Price: $1,900
Private Seller: Gregory N
Nissan Chanp ZWL15 Dzivaresekwa Extension, Harare Runner Nissan champ with motor bike trailer
Price: $15
Private Seller: Mazda B
Isuzu Kb 280 engine hapana, gearbox riripo ne zvese, poita Nissan Champ engine nyama negearbox hapana chekubata ipapo offer varungu tinzwe ndikuda Mari Mota dziriku MABVUKU dzese Mota dzakachenesa call 0788260147 ndakuda Mari nhasi
Price: $1
Private Seller: Mazda B
Nissan Champ,clean engine and good gearbox and Zinara up to date
Price: $1,500
Private Seller: Calvus T
Nissan 1400 champ fair condition Zinara up to date. Needs shocks front shocks available but not fitted yet.0716222401 Manson. Kwekwe deals.
Price: $1,300
Private Seller: Kudzanai W
Mota dzichiripo idzo vintage Maengen haasati ambovhurwa Akoma kuita dombo Huyai nematai mudhonze mutero Dreg Pulsar 400 usd champ 350 usd kana une yawafarirawo Batai Makoni logistic pabanket apo 0782201048
Price: $350
Private Seller: Jamse J
engine and gearbox performance perfect chero kupi yosvika
Price: $3,400
Private Seller: Stands, H
0717144921,0776632505 .....iam selling my running engine and functional gearbox For a price of 250 us contact me on the above numbers ,harare deals
Price: $650
Private Seller: Mazda B
yakaita xdent but zvese bhoo ne book riripo engen dry ndoda kanaa anemombe mbiri0776701473
Price: $700
Private Seller: Amos K
Nissan Champ 1,4L Mag wheels 2500USD neg App/call 0783862787
Price: $2,500
Private Seller: BULAWAYO I
Zimbabwe Karate & Self Defence Lessons For All. Kids & Adults. Men & Women All Welcome. Train under the guidance of The World Champ - The Multi Award Winning Black Belt Master a.k.a Zim Ninja. Search no more
Price: $15
Private Seller: Godwin K
everything perfect .engine and gearbox solid zinarq on exemption
Price: $1,500
Private Seller: Stands, H
Price: $950
Private Seller: Afterpain E
engine and gearbox perfect need body attention. zinara needs $150
Price: $950
Private Seller: Zengeya G
Clean Nissan champ 1400. Dry engine and solid gearbox. New tyres all around Call 0782390386
Price: $1,600
Private Seller: Boss S
700usd Nissan Champ everything perfect call or App 0783771307 NetOne 0719771307
Price: $700
Private Seller: Motor S
Nissan champ kick and go needs 1ht cable 700 usd app or call 0772701647
Price: $700
Private Seller: Simbarashe M
Tv Cabinet, Pudding Bowls, Plastics Picnic Cups & champ glasses etc
Price: 0
Private Seller: Danielle
Selling champ 1400 engine and four speed gearbox. Offers inbox 0772910193. Missing alternator
Price: FREE
Private Seller: Leonard T
Call 0776103372 or app +26378191 7021 Engine never been opened Attention on brakes Quick sell Marondera deal
Price: $800
Private Seller: Givemore M
Mota yakachena Zvese bhooo...toenda kwawada Barkie nyamest Or swap une yakachenawo inoisika tusalt Daily rynner 0771421612 Karipo hatisi kutsva hedu stereki maReady motibata ...
Price: $2,000
Private Seller: Tafadzwa C
NEGOTIABLE Ndipei Ka bike nesalt pamsoro Book available No Zinnara Engine and gearbox good Body not so good No Battery Deeds diff seal Ndini Muridzi Kanoenda Kwese kwaunoda 0783431131 text app call
Price: $750
Private Seller: Tinaye H