Very neat, very good condition, engine never been opened, TD27 diesel engine, 1.5 tonne, call / app 0776161424
Price: $3,700
Private Seller: Lionel P
We are selling NISSAN ENGINES for sale We have low mileage engines All our engines comes with one month guarantee from the day of purchase. NISSAN ENGINES IN STOCK 1.YD 25 NAVARA 2.QD32 HARD BODY 3.TD27 NISSAN SUNNY. 4.ZD30 WOOLF 5.QG16 ALMERA 6.QG15 ALMERA 7.VG30 MAXIMA 8.VQ35 AND 40 ENGINE … More
Price: R1,111
Private Seller: Tawanda E
Very neat, TD27 engine diesel, call / app 0776161424
Price: $3,700
Private Seller: Lionel P
*UP FOR GRAB!!* � Nissan atlas Price 3600usd Td27 diesil engine Harare deals App 0782307016 Call 0714155220
Price: $3,600
Private Seller: Mdara S
Crankshaft, Clutch + Pressure Plates, Camshaft, Tappet Cover, Flywheel, Oil Sump Cover And Other Accessories. Call: +263-777-512-170 (Buddie)/ +263-718-057-770 (NetOne). E-mail:
Price: $1
Private Seller: Misheck H
Kick and gor car Diesil engine Td27 4x4 manual Call or app 0777965795
Price: $3,560
Private Seller: Wilson W
Nissan caravan common rail Nissan navara d22 Mazda 323z5 Body on wheels TD27 engine KA20 engine Call or app 0715536300
Price: 1
Private Seller: Spiwe Z
Diesel engine TD27 QUICK SALE Smooth runner cood condition Engine and gearbox never opened Call app 0775251242 #musk up, sanitize and keep a distance.
Price: $3,300
Private Seller: Negomo N
Diesel engine TD27 QUICK SALE Good condition 0775251242
Price: $3,300
Private Seller: Negomo N
Nissan hardbody body on wheels TD27 diesel engine Manual transmission Comes with good gearbox, nice mag and brand new tyres Location Tynwald South near Kuwadzana Roundabout Harare 0715536300 or 0771051926
Price: $2,000
Private Seller: Lawrence M
Nissan hardbody TD27 diesel engine Price $3500 neg Nice mag wheels and brand new tyres 0715536300 or 0771051926 Tynwald South near Kuwadzana Roundabout Harare at number 12182
Price: $3,500
Private Seller: Spiwe Z
Nissan hardbody for TD27 diesel engine Swap and top accepted Nice mag and brand new tyres Price $3500 Call or app 0715536300 or 0771051926
Price: $3,500
Private Seller: Spiwe Z
Nissan hardbody for TD27 diesel engine Swap and top accepted Price $3500 Call or app 0715536300 or 0771051926
Price: $3,500
Private Seller: Spiwe Z
Engines for sale 3s yenoah 4x4 isati yakanoka isati yavhurwa taking offers. Complete Nissan TD27 perfect $750 Complete Nissan ZD30 recently overhauled $1500 or breaking pump iri pamark. Opel vita engine $100 2kd subassemble and head $600 F2 subassemble $150 Call or app 0715536300 0771051926
Price: $1
Private Seller: Spiwe Z
TD27 diesel engine for sale Price $750 Call or app 0715536300 Location 12182 Tynwald South near Kuwadzana Roundabout Harare
Price: $7
Private Seller: Spiwe Z