Water Tanks and Tank stands

Water Tanks & Tank Stands for sale: Call or Whatsapp 0715549356 Tank Stands from :2m to 6m Tanks:5000L - $340, 3000L - $280, 2500L - $235, 2000L - $200 1500L - $175, 1000L - $150, 500L - $100 TANK STAND 4M - $300 We also offer plumbing repairs and installations as well for reasonable prices inbox,call or whatsapp: 0715549356 for a quick response. Our tanks are capable of being used as maize storage facilities. 10000L - $810 https://www.facebook.com/TankstandGurus


seller's name'
Name: Criss M
seller phone number
Location: Avonlea, Harare, Zimbabwe
uploaded on
Date: 17 March, 2021

Contact Seller

seller phone number Phone Number: 0715549356
seller phone number Phone Number: 0715549356

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