4G MIFI ROUTERS(BOXED) Works with all lines(Econet,Netone,Telecel,ZOL,Telone) Call/Whatsapp:+263783326055 https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=263783326055,it works like any other wifi(Zol,Telone).the difference is 1)It works with a Sim Card,this allows you to recharge according to usage(No fixed charge) 2)Wifi Range is 25metres 3)Comes with a… See more battery that lasts 6-8hours(Continuous use)which makes it portable 4)Enhances internet speed 5)Connects upto 10users maintaining the same speed 6)Works with all local lines(Netone,Buddies,Telecel,Zol,Telone)


seller's name'
Name: Thomas G
seller phone number
Location: Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe
uploaded on
Date: 18 November, 2021

Contact Seller

seller phone number Phone Number: 0783326055
seller phone number Phone Number: 0783326055