Accommodation to rent in Hatfield and Masasa Park

1] An big outside room to rent in Hatfield ,Own entrance, big space, perved yard , own parking space, water sources and durawall and gated price 100 USD inclusive of water and electricity. 2] An neatly tiled and ceiling room to rent for immediate occupation in Hatfield Harare, Own parking space Durawall and gated.,3] A 1 room to rent in Masasa More park, Hatfield. price 70usd .neat ceilings, built-in cupboards ,boreholes, durawall and gated. 4] 3 rooms to rent for immediate occupation in Hatfield Harare. Well maintained yard, own parking space , borehole water pump and a Tank.


seller's name'
Name: Batsi M
seller phone number
Location: Harare
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Date: 18 June, 2022

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