Google Stadia Controller Brand New

Google Stadia Controller {Brand New} ZWL45 Prospect, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe *Google Stadia Controller {Brand New} $45 Buttons and Triggers 1. Dual analog sticks 2. D-pad 3. Face buttons (A, B, X, Y) 4. Shoulder buttons (L, R) 5. Triggers (L, R) 6. Option, Google Assistant, and Capture buttons Other Features 1. Rechargeable battery (up to 10 hours of gameplay) 2. USB-C port for charging and wired gameplay 3. 3.5mm headphone jack 4. Support for haptic feedback and vibration 5. Compatible with TVs, computers, and mobile devices Contact 0778065426


seller's name'
Name: GAME C
seller phone number
Location: Prospect, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe
uploaded on
Date: 17 September, 2024

Contact Seller

seller phone number Phone Number: 0778065426

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