toyota carina for sale $1200 call / app 0773030821 Automatic transmision
Price: $1,200
Private Seller: Clifford C
White owner (one) solid engine and gearbox Suspension 100% new tyres no respray smooth drive
Price: $3,800
Private Seller: Orion Z
Call me on 0784134475 Asking price $2850 Masvingo
Price: $2,850
Private Seller: Tadiwanashe M
Super clean Toyota Everything intact $3800 or swap 0778373299
Price: $3,900
Private Seller: Gilbert F
Toyota Carina YAKANAKISA chose fuel injection 5A Fe engine inyowani iri ipapa $1600 mileage at 155k automatic suspension solid Haina kana dambudziko fuel saver ,huya titaurirane kuchekeresa uku 0788665327 Tateguru
Price: $1,600
Private Seller: Belinda B
Toyota carina Manual transmission 5afe engine Immaculate condition Neat interior. 300k mileage Heavy sound system Virgin engine and gearbox $2700 Harare
Price: $2,700
Private Seller: Takudzwa A
Call me on 0782942290 still intact no issues
Price: $1,500
Private Seller: Donald M
Call me on 0782942290 Manual transmission Still intact no issues
Price: $1,500
Private Seller: Donald M
Engine and gearbox perfect suspension perfect need cash faster kadoma deals Automatic transmissioncall 0783236716
Price: $1,950
Private Seller: Hopewell M
Toyota carina $1950 Neat all round 0782135029
Price: $1,950
Private Seller: Nicholas A
For sale in fair condition is Toyota Carina 1.5liter petrol neatly resprayed...$1.500
Price: $1,500
Private Seller: Trust M
Toyota carina Clean inside out Virgin engine n gearbox Automatic Transmission 1.9usd App or call 0775443495 @chitungwiza zengeza @vaal
Price: $1,900
Private Seller: Pacival M
Toyota carina 1500us Kick and go daily runner Automatic transmission Ziko chitungwiza deal Calls 0774372969 0717496875 App 0774554851
Price: $1,500
Private Seller: Tinashe M
Toyota Carina Solid engine and gearbox Respray free Price $1800 Call 0719999877
Price: $1,800
Private Seller: Chris M
Kick and Go Carina 5A Dry Engine and Automatic Gearbox Zinara yane time For More Info Call 0787882107 Or Whatsapp 0714786940
Price: $1,500
Private Seller: Vincent G
Toyota Carina for sale in Zvishavane @$1400. Drives good.
Price: $1,400
Private Seller: Noah C
Toyota Carina with virgin engine mukaka chaiwo never been opened. Gearbox needs service. $1.3k 0784508032 0713678607
Price: $1,300
Private Seller: Tawanda M
Toyota Carina engine virgin kick and go $1350 call 0782878406//0716386420
Price: $1,350
Private Seller: Jayla K
TOYOTA CARINA ENGINE VIRGIN ,GEAR BOX harisi kupedza magear 1350 CALLS 0711392516
Price: $1,300
Private Seller: Victor N
Good Condition, Manual Transmission, Fuel saver 1.5l
Price: 0
Private Seller: Hilary F
TOYOTA CARINA $1100USD NEG KIK N GO INBOX 0779308628/0778012770
Price: $1,100
Private Seller: Peter M
toyota carina iyo lady driven drive suspension imtact fuel saver contact boss jojola for more 0773899675
Price: $2,200
Private Seller: George M
akangwara anogara afona chinono china Peter John akanyenga ari pabhasikoro. call 0712164464 /0774796527 no dents. accident free. new tyres all around with meg wheels.
Price: $650
Private Seller: Admire C
Classic a collectors item Convertible Leather interior Champion gear Bulawayo Call 0782062436
Price: $2,500
Private Seller: Nqobile N
Looking for a swap deal open budget. Looking for an extremely clean car. Preferably 7 seaters with good clearance.... None mushikashika
Price: $1,800
Private Seller: Thembelani C
Very intact nyc car for more information contact 0773093530/0715237196
Price: $2,800
Private Seller: Nomore M
1.850 tichitaura ndirikuda mari only front suspension ndoyakudhakwa ne zinara chete itai kufona 0712325342 or app
Price: $1,850
Private Seller: Rassel S
Good condition automatic drive Toyota Carina 1,5l engine capacity Accident free Virgin engine and gearbox Zinara up to date November 2022 Serious buyers only App 0773224546 0718363937
Price: $3,200
Private Seller: Leopold S
I have reduced this Carina to $1500 need money fast , its neat inside with clean original interior as yu cn see , vry intact body sitting on 15" costly mag wheelz , smokeless Diesel engine driven by 5 speed manual shift , a vry powerful and vry economic sedan inbox 0783172182
Price: $1,500
Private Seller: Ignatious M
Toyota Carina Year 2002 . Engine capacity 1.5 litre , virgin engine ,suspension 80%, interior neat, battery new , new tyres all round
Price: $2,500
Private Seller: Brayen C
Reduced Reduced this Carina is still intact for a small Diesel sedan , with clean original interior intact body sitting on costly 15" mags , driven by an original 2C smokeless Diesel engine vry economic on fuel , 5 speed manual transimition unozodei only for $1500 inbox me on 0783172182
Price: $1,500
Private Seller: Ignatious M
Manual gearbox. Good condition
Price: $1,700
Private Seller: Allan M
Toyota Carina engine and gearbox never opened automatic transmission zinnara up to date , test drive kusvika kwawada just 1900usd inbox 0781310487
Price: $1,900
Private Seller: Kedmen M
Toyota Carina Engine and gearbox solid Need computer box Asking price$750Us Serious buyer inbox App 0714 981 235
Price: $750
Private Seller: Martin C
Toyota Carina one kick and Go,Still in good condition,Dry Engine,New tyres, Automatic Transmission Asking For $1350 Call Kuda 0771303896
Price: $1,350
Private Seller: Kuda H
ndikuda ma offers ane musoro mota yakanaka zvekunaka zviya hapana chekubata engine virgin original paint 0783815009 1.4 litre radio yako iripo battrey robata moto zvakaipa matyre matsva
Price: FREE
Private Seller: Evangelist M
kick n go 1.5Litre new tyres zvess updated hapana chekubata 0783815009
Price: $3,000
Private Seller: Evangelist M
kamota kakachena zvako aka hapana kana chekubata engine mukaka gearbox mukaka chero akubva Vic falls huya 0783815009
Price: $3,000
Private Seller: Evangelist M
Has zero issues on it kmutsa nekuenda. Engine dry inbox me on 0733984209
Price: $1,950
Private Seller: Troy T
Toyota carina 1.8 litre 0772 920 245 $1100 Daily runner Chitungwiza
Price: $1,100
Private Seller: Vante V
Toyota carina Price 13k App or call 75319426
Price: $13
Private Seller: Calvin G
Ndakudawo mari please Whatsapp on 0717847421/0771841081
Price: $1,800
Private Seller: Oscar C