$1.500 clean Toyota Duet Mint condition Virgin engine Beautiful interior New tyres all round Lady driven (granny) Call : 0773601842 Location : Harare CBD
Price: $1,500
Private Seller: Kudzaishe M
*Toyota duet , no respray super clean * * Mota dzinotumwa kumabasa dzichidzoka !! *Kuchekeresa uku, kick n go*
Price: $2,350
Private Seller: Sharon B
PRICED TO CLEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Toyota Duet 1000cc petrol Mileage: 180000km Manual transmission Mint condition Engine never opened Gearbox and suspension: mint Needs: body blow over due to sunburn : ZINARA Clean interior Price: USD $1950 cash, slightly negotiable Contact: 0779270154/0717180782 for more information
Price: $1,950
Private Seller: Muzo D
*Toyota duet super clean * * Mota haidi n'anga iyi!! *Kuchekeresa uku, kick n go*
Price: $2,350
Private Seller: Sharon B
Toyota Duet 0.9 litre Engine never been opened Suspension solid Perfect Drive call 0779470252 0712105385
Price: $1,700
Private Seller: Tanaka W
Duet manual. kumutsa nekuenda call or app 0774505045
Price: FREE
Private Seller: Tatenda T
Price: FREE
Private Seller: BC B
Toyota Duet Kick and go Quick sale $1400 Call or app 0775911025
Price: FREE
Private Seller: Tafloe T
Toyota Duet Fuel saver Kick and go Quick sale $1400 Call or app 0775911025
Price: FREE
Private Seller: Tafloe T
Dzauya dzakachipa Choice of 2 Toyota duet for sale 1,350 Ford bantam 1,250 kuhodhesa app or call 0772952566
Price: $1,350
Private Seller: Noble M
Kick n go apa engine never opened zinara up-to-date batai Badu 0717774165/0775299871 Toyeuchidzana guys ipsum sold .duet sold Benz sold .Honda CR-V ose Ari to sold
Price: $2,800
Private Seller: Badurai J
Kick n go apa neat in and out fuel saver never mushikashika batai Badu 0717774165/0775299871 Ipsum sold.duet sold .Honda CR-V sold guys
Price: $1,350
Private Seller: Badurai J
Toyota corrolla crystal light $1400 last Honda fit $2400 honda fit $2000 Toyota duet $1800 corrola AE 90 manual,injection $1200us Haushaye yako apo dzese one kick and go Bata Seke Mtema pa 0773403329
Price: $11,000
Private Seller: Seke B
Toyota Duet Kick and go Price$1400 Serious buyers only please App or call /0778839601 Quick whatsapp access click here: wa.me/263778839601
Price: $1,400
Private Seller: Paul C
Kick n go na fault gud drive fuel saver batai badu0717774165/0775299871
Price: $1,300
Private Seller: Badurai J
Toyoya duet. manual ichiri nyama kick nd go at Budiriro 4 call or App 0774505045
Price: $1
Private Seller: Tatenda T
Kick n go fuel saver gud drive apa neat in and out batai Badurai 0717774165/0775299871
Price: $1,450
Private Seller: Badurai J
Toyota duet fuel saver 1litr kik and go for sale 1,500 neg call or app 0772952566
Price: $1,500
Private Seller: Noble M
Smooth drive No issues 0783907140
Price: $1,400
Private Seller: Noel M
*Toyota duet Manual transmission * *Ndini ndine dzaka cheaper Koro!* *Kick and go,Atanga Atanga, * *Ngwetu Ngwetu kuchekeresa uku *
Price: $1,450
Private Seller: Sharon B
*Toyota duet Manual transmission * *No respray , good condition* *Kick and go,Atanga Atanga, * *Ngwetu Ngwetu kuchekeresa uku *
Price: $1,450
Private Seller: Sharon B
Duetz Fahr 7000 usd 80 horsepower if interested app or call 0773966682
Price: $7,000
Private Seller: Shingy M
Toyota Duet 🏅Original Deals🏅 💫Engine & gearbox solid 💫suspension solid 💫neat interior App/call 0782295463 https://wa.me/message/263782295463 🇿🇼🙏IN GOD WE TRUST🙏🇿🇼
Price: $2,600
Private Seller: Jerome L
Clean inside and outside slightly nego App/call 0718888473,0773388473#calls 0732888473/0784914880 Harare.
Price: $1,800
Private Seller: Bro W
Clean slightly nego App/call 0718888473, 0773388473#calls 0732888473/0784914880 Harare.
Price: $1,800
Private Seller: Bro W
Toyota duet Intact everything Engine and gear box never been open Call app Cris 0785331376/0715604977
Price: $2,200
Private Seller: Gopy P
*Toyota duet Manual* *No respray , good condition* *Kick and go,Atanga Atanga, * *dzeku cheaper Koro kuchekeresa uku *
Price: $1,800
Private Seller: Sharon B
Super clean automatic transmission clean all angles as in the pictures..AFM Plates..smartly pimped boosters.,amplifier mangoma hobho.. Serious buyers call on 0777 209 917 HARARE
Price: $3,100
Private Seller: Meloe T
Extra clean fuel saver..1ltr Capacity..neat interior..4 megs right round..high sounds radio MASHWEDE chaiyo..AFM plates...Engine and gearbox 100% Solid suspension..serious buyers only call on 0777 209 917..HARARE
Price: $3,100
Private Seller: Meloe T
Clean all round..neat fuel saver..intact everything..AFM plates..serious buyers only call on 0777 209 917..Harare
Price: $2,550
Private Seller: Meloe T
Toyota Duet 💫one owner 💫accident & respray free 💫engine & gearbox virgin 💫suspension solid 💫neat interior App/call 0782295463 https://wa.me/message/263782295463 🇿🇼🙏IN GOD WE TRUST🙏🇿🇼
Price: $2,450
Private Seller: Jerome L
Clean all round..non faults..everything's still intact..AFM plates..serious buyers only call on 0777 209 917..Harare
Price: $2,500
Private Seller: Meloe T
Looking for Toyota Duet alternator 3 cylinder ...call or app 0774014207
Price: FREE
Private Seller: Graphtone G
Duetz tructor powerful animal price $6.500usd ready to work App call 0777721035
Price: $6,500
Private Seller: Chiramba M
Kick n go engine and gearbox perfect zinara 05.21 kafuel saver 0.9 kufamba mahara chaiko price slightly negotiable paground app on 0773723525 or call on 0717563874
Price: $1,350
Private Seller: Piedmore H
Price: FREE
Private Seller: Cochrane M
Duetz tructor powerful animal price $6.500usd kutora nekuenda kubasa App call 0777721035
Price: $6,500
Private Seller: Tapiwa C
Oil pump not working the rest is fine.Views in Ruwa ndipeiwo Mari yechikoro varume let's talk.
Price: $1,000
Private Seller: James B
Toyota Duet 🏅Company Deals🏅 💫AC working perfectly 💫accident free 💫engine & gearbox virgin 💫suspension solid 💫neat interior App/call 0782295463 https://wa.me/message/263782295463 🇿🇼🙏IN GOD WE TRUST🙏🇿🇼
Price: $2,750
Private Seller: Jerome L
for sale Duet toyota interior and exterior neat low mileage89k model 2005 solid suspension fuel saver reduced togo cl app 0775059049
Price: $2,500
Private Seller: Misheck M