Supaset 42.5 free delivery cash on delivery call 0786009234 0718602547 WhatsApp 0782429048
Price: $10
Private Seller: Zinz O
Cement Supaset ZWL1,060 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe Chilanga Supaset truck loads available free delivery around Harare
Price: $1,060
Private Seller: HARARE H
Supaset 42.5 ZWL12 Harare Free Delivery from 50bags Free Offloading Cash on Delivery +263713463663
Price: $12
Private Seller: Zimsales &
Supaset Truckloads (600bags) ZWL6,900 Harare FREE DELIVERY FREE OFFLOADING +263713463663
Price: $6,900
Private Seller: Zimsales &
Cement for sale ZWL11 Harare Tinowanikwa kutynwald Harare opposites NRechads shops along Bulawayo road 0772671365/0715429665 mukatifonera tinouya nayo mozobhadhara transport necement yasvika panzvimbo cash on delivery thank you
Price: $11
Private Seller: Nashley A
Supaset cement $10.50 ZWL10 Avenues, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe Supaset cement $10.50 price includes transport inbox for talks
Price: $10
Private Seller: Andy N
Cement for sale bulk purchase includes transport call +263777774970
Price: ZWL12
Private Seller: Zim B
Superset Cement available 10.30usd per bag selling by the truckload at 600bags per load Delivery is free in and around Harare. Quantities less than 600bags its 10.80usd excl transport. SINOMA 42.5R is 10usd per bag wholesale. Delivery free in and around Harare. Call or WhatsApp 0789565152 .
Price: $10
Private Seller: Zimbabwe P
Cement for sale Khayah Portland 32.5 $10 Supaset 42.5 $11
Price: $10
Private Seller: Susan M
Tinowanikwa kutynwald opposites NRechads shops along Bulawayo road 0772671365 kana mukatifonera tinouya nayo mozobhadhara cement netransport yasvika panzvimbo cash on delivery
Price: $1
Private Seller: Mufaro M
Supaset truckloads available at $11/bag ($6600) Delivered within Hre Contact +263713463663/+263712470992
Price: $6,600
Private Seller: Zimbabwe P
Surecast Cement for sale in Workington Harare @$13.50 per bag. Call or WhatsApp 0774804768
Price: $13
Private Seller: Kudzai B
Cement available WhatsApp or call 0774804768
Price: $14
Private Seller: Zimbabwe P
Available Supaset Cement wholesale and Retail Dm 0786287072
Price: $12
Private Seller: HARARE H
Supaset Cement 42.5R going for $13 usd.minimum order 100 bags
Price: 13
Private Seller: Collen C
Cement Superset 42, 5 Available WE SUPPLY RETAIL $14.50 WHOLESALE $13.50 Harare 0783006009
Price: $145
Private Seller: Panashe P
Get Supaset cement and PPC cement 42,5R @ wholesale price $13 Supaset $12 PPC the original cement at affordable price
Price: $13
Private Seller: Zenith E
- Product type * 32.5 - $13 per bag * 42.5 - $14 per bag - Price delivered Harare - Minimum order - 30 tons (600bags) - Delivery time (TAT) - 24-48hours +263 71 819 6083 WhatsApp
Price: $13
Private Seller: Sengz Y
Bricks Red commons $125 per 1000
Price: $10
Private Seller: Nyashadzashe M
Cement Superset 42.5 $10
Price: $10
Private Seller: Nyashadzashe M
Supaset cement $8.80 from 100 bags and over $9.00 from 50 bags and below Free delivery from 100 bags and over Contact OSCAR 0774873455
Price: $8
Private Seller: Oscar T
Price: $8
Private Seller: Oscar T
SupaSet cement is now available @wholesale price $7,8 ... Order your truck today we also do delivery..
Price: $8
Private Seller: Chiranga M
Delivery in Harare and outside Harare
Price: 10.60
Private Seller: Ronald C
Supaset CEMENT.. suitable for * brick moulding *concrete shifts * dam reservoirs,$12 usd per bag Call or app 0779 655 950 Harare
Price: $12
Private Seller: Selector V
Supaset Cement available in Harare Whitehouse for $9.80
Price: ZWL1,000
Private Seller: Gerald G
50 bags of Supaset cement avaiIabIe at $10 each in TynwaId North. Quick SaIe (30 March),CaII 0775215408 App 0735165499
Price: $10
Private Seller: Ronald M
Oder 100 bags and get free delivery around Harare App or call on 0733018299
Price: $11
Private Seller: Wilbert M
Order your cement from us Rufaro Energy and u pay on delivery free transport 10km radius harare, when u buy bulk. Hurry while stocks last. Free Transport !!!!!!! super set 42.5 @$12 surecem 42.5 @$12 diamond 22.5 @ $8 unicem 32.5@$ 11 diamond 32.5@ $10 midlands 42.5 @ $12
Price: FREE
Private Seller: Ordinance R
Supaset cement for sale in harare without on a separate cost Retail USD$10.00 Wholesale 600bags USD$9.80 Call or WhatsApp 0774508979
Price: $10
Private Seller: Peter Z
Available at wholesale prices, Supaset cement @$10.50.available at Steel hub Shop G1 sunshine bazaar complex. The new complex opposite zuva Matlock service station. Call /app 0772336771
Price: 10.50
Private Seller: Beaven g
Superset Cement readily Available @ $11, 8usd wholesale 100bags and above @ $12usd retail Contact 0779219796
Price: $11
Private Seller: Tatenda K
600 bags available Hurry while stocks last
Price: $11
Private Seller: Bradwell N
*�CEMENT SPECIALS�*,� SUPASET CEMENT: $9.50,Visit our Branch in Crowhill, Borrowdale *Call/App: 0772615116*
Price: US$9
Private Seller: Kay C
*�CEMENT SPECIALS�*,� SUPASET CEMENT: $9.50,� MIDLANDS CEMENT: $8.00,Visit our Hardware in Crowhill, Borrowdale. *Call/App: 0772615116*
Price: $9
Private Seller: Kuda C
Visit our Hardware in Crowhill, Borrowdale. Call/App: 077261516
Price: $9
Private Seller: Kuda C
For Sale Item: Supaset Cement Price: $9.50 Location: Crowhill, Borrowdale. Close to Crowhill Primary. Contact : 0772615116
Price: $9
Private Seller: Kuda C
Cement 42.5% for sale. Hararw collection, delivery available
Price: $9
Private Seller: Tawanda N
Back by popular demand is the Supaset@9 promotion! Get your Lafarge Supaset Cement at only $9 at Kuvaka Cement & Hardware. #Supaset@9 #0784525960
Price: Contact Seller
Private Seller: Kudakwashe K
Price Variation:Supaset Cement now $10-00 All the other terms still remains valid. Free delivery from 50+bags. 0772738248
Price: $10
Private Seller: Darlington M
Cement timber and IBR roofing sheets for sale at wholesale prices Superset, diamond, midlands and portland. Timber
Price: $5
Private Seller: Tafadzwa R