Our competitor analysis reveals that Trunadan Supaset is the cheapest on price $9.5. Free delivery makes it even cheaper. Muhammad Musa is selling at almost $10 (rate range 115-125) without delivery. Mussa can't even match our price. Buy where your money buys you more.0772738248
Price: $9
Private Seller: Darlington M
For Sale Item: Supaset Cement Price: $9.50 Location: Crowhill, Borrowdale Contact : 0772615116
Price: $1
Private Seller: Kuda C
FOR SALE Item: SuperSet Cement Price: $9.50 Location: Crowhill, Borrowdale Contact: 0772615116
Price: R9
Private Seller: Kuda C
Bricks and Cement for sale Contact: 0783917876
Price: FREE
Private Seller: Bongani I
CROWHILL, BORROWDALE Product: SuperSet Cement Price: $9.50 Location: Crowhill, Borrowdale Contact: 0772615116 (call/app)
Price: $9
Private Seller: Kuda C
Promotional discount for 100 bags only. $9.30. Running from the fourth of February to the twentieth of February. Save and build more.T & Cs apply 0772738248. Hurry hurry while the discount dispensation is on.
Price: $9
Private Seller: Darlington M
Job well done. Us as Trunadan Investments we are glad to have supplied cement from footing to wall plate for the house below. This is a call to do business.Trunadan Investments Cement merchants that gives you confidence. 0772738248. #letsdobusiness. #happycustomer.
Price: $9
Private Seller: Darlington M
Readily available 24/7/365. Call or App 0772738248
Price: R9
Private Seller: Darlington M
Supaset Cement guaranteed of strength and building with a style.Call or App 0772738248 for more.
Price: R9
Private Seller: Darlington M
Harare cement deals still on-on.#StayHome, #mask-up, #sanitize. Dial a delivery to your door step. Supaset cement available @$9.50 free delivery for 50 bags onward.Truckload deals unit price $9.10, Payment on delivery. 0772738248.
Price: $9
Private Seller: Darlington M
Supaset Cement Available Harare cement deals still on-on.#StayHome, #mask-up, #sanitize. Dial a delivery to your door step. Supaset cement available @$9.50 free delivery for 50 bags onward.Truckload deals unit price $9.10, Payment on delivery. 0772738248.
Price: $9
Private Seller: Darlington M
Harare Cement Deals during lock-down. #stay@home and we deliver free of charge and free offloading. Give us a shout.
Price: $9
Private Seller: Darlington M