Grafted peaches fruits trees for sell 1)Necterance $3.00 each 2)Yellow peach $3.00 3)transvalia $3.00 3) professor black yellow peach$3.00 4)duet,gudman$3.00 4)plams (sandrose and methre$3.00 5)apples(annah, pink lady,phudge,mutsu, golden,$3.00 Lemon$300 9)grapes(green,red, white, black, seedless$3.00 Whistle pine tree$2.50 White Guava $3.00… See more
Price: Contact seller
Private Seller: Edmore J
Grafted peaches fruits trees for sell 1)Necterance $3.00 each 2)Yellow peach $3.00 3)transvalia $3.00 3) professor black yellow peach$3.00 4)duet,gudman$3.00 4)plams (sandrose and methre$3.00 5)apples(annah, pink lady,phudge,mutsu, golden,$3.00 Lemon$300 9)grapes(green,red, white, black, seedless$3.00 Whistle pine tree$2.50 White Guava $3.00… See more Plams(sandrose and methre 3.00 For more information get me in touch on +263778012661/0712714950 available in Glaudinna Harare
Price: Contact seller
Private Seller: Edmore J
Grafted budded fruits trees for sell early marturity like 1) peaches (transvalia, duet, necterance, gudman, black professor yellow, gudman$3.00 2) apples (annah, Mikel, golden, Fuji, ellar, Pink lady$3.00 3) plams (sandrose and mathre$3.00 4) aplicorts$3.00 5) pears$3.00 6) grapes (white, black, red $3.00 7)white guavas$3.00 8) almond$4.00 9) whistle pine trees $2.50 10)lemon$3.00 For more information get me in touch on 0778012661/0712714950 app or call available in Glaudinna Harare
Price: Contact seller
Private Seller: Edmore J
Grafted peaches fruits trees for sell 1)Necterance $3.00 each 2)Yellow peach $3.00 3)transvalia $3.00 3) professor black yellow peach$3.00 4)duet,gudman$3.00 4)plams (sandrose and methre$3.00 5)apples(annah, pink lady,phudge,mutsu, golden,$3.00 6) almond nuts$4.00 Apricorts$3.00 Lemon$300 9)grapes(green,red, white, black, seedless$3.00… See more Whistle pine tree$2.50 White Guava $3.00 Plams(sandrose and methre 3.00 For more information get me in touch on +263778012661/0712714950 available in Glaudinna Harare
Price: Contact seller
Private Seller: Edmore J
Zvese boe mutero chete engine haina kumbovhurwa call 0715167208 or app 0773423724 atanga atanga
Price: $1,100
Private Seller: Tichaona M
Grafted budded fruits trees for sell early marturity like 1) peaches (transvalia, duet, necterance, gudman, black professor yellow, gudman$3.00 2) apples (annah, Mikel, golden, Fuji, ellar, Pink lady$3.00 3) plams (sandrose and mathre$3.00 4) aplicorts$3.00 5) pears$3.00 6) grapes (white, black, red $3.00 7)white guavas$3.00 8) almond$4.00 9) whistle pine trees $2.50 10)lemon$2.00 For more information get me in touch on 0778012661/0712714950 app or call available in Harare
Price: Contact seller
Private Seller: Edmore J
Duet 1.3lt irikuleaker oil,central locking misbehaving also needs head light drives well ,body needs a bit of attention 1,2usd neg paground call or app 0737481157 ana more pics nanalast price muinbox imbomirai kufamba mahara apa your chance to drive this year is here mota iri mu Waterfalis parktown huyai paground titaure .
Price: $1,200
Private Seller: Tindo T
I am looking for Toyota Duet following parts or items 1. left headlamp 2. left Door hands front and back. 3. left view mirror
Price: FREE
Private Seller: Ronald M
Grafted &budded fruits trees for sell Price $3.00 Wholesale price 2.50 . (1)Peaches (transvalia, duet, black professor yellow peach, necterance$3.00 wholesale price 250. (2) apples (annah ,pink lady, mutsu, Mikel,phudge, golden,3.00 wholesale price$2.50. 3) aplicorts,$4.00 3)plamssandrose& mathre$4.00 4) whistle pine trees $3.00 5)grapes( black, white,green$2.50 6) white gwavas3.00 7)pear $4.00 For more information please contact me if you are interested +263778012661 fruits trees available in Hatfield harare
Price: Contact seller
Private Seller: Edmore J
GRAFTED/BUDDED FRUITS TREES FOR SELL Early marturity ,prices $3.00 retail then wholesale $2.50 1) peaches (transvalia, duet, black professor yellow peach, necterance,gudman) 2) Apples (pink lady,annah,Mikel ,golden ,mutsu,phudge) 3) plams( sandrose and methre) App or call for more information available in Hatfield Harare thank you
Price: Contact seller
Private Seller: Edmore J
Toyota duet manual 0.9 litre Price neg app or call 0777965795
Price: $1,400
Private Seller: Wilson W
Respray new tryres zinara ikuda 150 us nema door panels achashade nemagetsi bt zvimwe zvese bhoo 0773542271 Wts up or call
Price: $1
Private Seller: Brian M
Quick sale, dzauya dzamunosvikira idzi, vaneta nekukwira zupco kauya kanyama 0.9l kanoconverter fuel to bundles, kick n go, smooth drive, ndirikuda Mari shomanana, zinara 07/21, ma airbags akaputika hawo. CallsA/ app 0773659004/0775507419
Price: $1,600
Private Seller: Mam'Cathy S
Mint condition Contact 0716693202 Calls 0782 932 071
Price: $1,400
Private Seller: Allan A
0772430044/0719430044 Engines,1nz for alex runx bble funcargo ist etc Beams 2000 for alteza 1kr vits belta 1kr passo K3 passo R1nz axio sienta Ej duet engine Mr20 new exrail. Duke Qr20 extrail … Ona Qr20 sulphy Qr20 liberty Hr15 tidaa Hr15 note Qg15 sunny K6suzuki Beams 2000 alteaza Honda fit new shape Honda fit old shape Zj demio
Price: Free
Private Seller: Tendai C
Toyota Hilux 2.4 4200us Hilux skhumba. 14500us Primera 1800us Silver corola 1800 us Toyota soarer 3500us Tazz 1400 Duet red 1700 Hilux skhumba 4500 Citi golf 1400us Toyota allion 3500us Honda fit silver 2700us Honda stream 7 seater 3000us… Ona More cheap cars on my catalogue on 0713004413 WhatsApp 0713004413 Call 0772372641
Price: $1
Private Seller: Tasso T
Anoida 0784600741
Price: $850
Private Seller: Charles M
Toyota duet manual Reduced to gor now Price negotiable app or call 0777965795
Price: $1,600
Private Seller: Wilson W
Price: $1,500
Private Seller: Tawanda M
Kik and go car manual gearbox everything gud Cal/ap 0772466962
Price: $1,700
Private Seller: Joe K
🚗 TOYOTA DUET.,>Auto transmission.,>Solid engine.,>FUEL saver..,>Price US$2000..,>LOCATION BULAWAYO.,>Calls 0778973172. .
Price: $2,000
Private Seller: Tynashe P
Toyota duet , automatic transmission 0.9 litre engine- 25 km's per litre of petrol $1000 neg , call on 0783459301/0783689176
Price: $1,000
Private Seller: Gerald M
Clean Toyota duet fuel saver 0.9lt Lady driven 0778200489
Price: $2,200
Private Seller: Apple B
0,9ltrs , automatic Clean in and out Harare Itay zvekufona 0782374353
Price: $2,400
Private Seller: Leo C
Tikabvira 🔥🔥🔥modira paraffin ndopora pane akubvira apa Boss Pea ndadzoka zvekare ne duet usasara ndauya kuti mese muyite mota apo machena nice drive ndibate 0772264063
Price: $1,300
Private Seller: Palmer N
Call or app 0776201474. This car needs back screen and 2 coilpack only. Good tyres , neat body, good radio, neat interior. $850 neg. Come to lobengula old lobengula for viewing. ( No battery)
Price: $850
Private Seller: Musa N
Needs battery only....1500 USD 0771980002
Price: $1,500
Private Seller: Ledrey T
Clean in and out Engine and gearbox intact 0719174334 0779425431
Price: $2,100
Private Seller: Tinashe J
Hapana chekubata apo location Highfield Gazaland near Machipisa usatangirwe ndachema hangu Automatic Transmission zvese bhoo engine haisati yabatwa good condition:; 0773729589
Price: $1,950
Private Seller: Last M
Toyota DueT manual Magnificent condition Everything perfect Suspension Solid Open for swap Price $2,400us negotiable Call/App 0773369832
Price: $2,400
Private Seller: InnoMas I
Engine and gear box solid Smooth drive Neat inside out Good tyres all round Zinara uptodate Price $1900 Call or app 0775678158 // 0717051159
Price: $1,900
Private Seller: Agrippa M
Toyota Duet Clean in and out No issues Deposit accepted
Price: $2,300
Private Seller: Fredy B
Engine and gear box solid never opened Solid suspension Smooth drive Neat inside out Good tyres all round Zinara uptodate Price $2000 CALL or app 0775678158 // 0717051159
Price: $2,000
Private Seller: Agrippa M
Toyota Duet Engine and gearbox never been tempered with Quick Sale $2000 usd neg Call or Whatsapp 0772783299
Price: $2,000
Private Seller: Tino T
Engine and gear box solid never opened 1 kick and go Neat inside out Brand new battery Brand tyres all the round Price $2200 neg paground Call or app 0775678158 // 0717051159
Price: $2,200
Private Seller: Agrippa M
*Toyota duet , $2300usd,Mota yakachena iyi pliz!! , no respray super clean call Queen Sherry +263719614246 * *Kuchekeresa uku, kick n go*
Price: $2,300
Private Seller: Sharon B
Hodha bhero 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Brand New Engine Fuel saver Virgin engine and gearbox Body intact Zinara up to date Location Harare Hatfield O774939442 WhatsApp O717997570 Calls Atanga Atanga 💥💥💥💥
Price: $2,350
Private Seller: Lewis L
*Toyota duet with brand new engine , $2400usd,Mota yakachena iyi pliz!! , no respray super clean call Queen Sherry +263719614246 * *Kuchekeresa uku, kick n go*
Price: US$2,400
Private Seller: Sharon B
Toyota duet Kufamba mahara Zinara is there Sealed gearbox and engine,App 0782470745 Calls only 0773644047
Price: $1,600
Private Seller: Tawanda M
0777976233 cash only Zvese bhoo zvekuti pliz pliz mota iyi ndeye $1500 kwete kuuya wakatarisira mota ye$2700.
Price: $1,500
Private Seller: Tendai M
🚙🔩WILLOWVALE CARBREAKERS🚙,*WE BUY ACCIDENTS DAMAGED OR NON RUNNERS VEHICLES FOR BREAKING INBOX PICTURES *,Breaking for spares Call Donny 0718311382 / 0786326610 / 0777207742 *SELLING ORG SEC HAND PARTS * 🆕🆕🆕🆕 *Nissan Nv200 Hr16 Engine * *Toyota Harrier body parts * *Toyota Estima 2AZ engine * * Honda Airwave *… Zvimwe *Toyota Wish 4x4 1zz* *Toyota Corrola crystal lite* *Toyota Duet k3 *
Price: $11
Private Seller: Donald H
Virgin engine and gearbox New engine Very clean all round Smooth drive One kick and go Zero faults Location Harare 0717997570 0774939442 WhatsApp
Price: $2,350
Private Seller: Lewis L
Virgin engine and gearbox New Engine Zinara up to date Location Harare 0774939442 WhatsApp 0717997570 calls
Price: $2,350
Private Seller: Lewis L
Toyota duet automatic transmission 0.99ltr fuel saver zinara up to date suspension solid smooth drive $2150 call or app Tin Tin 0775626384/0787790379
Price: $2,150
Private Seller: Tinashe P
*Toyota duet , no respray super clean * *Kuchekeresa uku, kick n go*
Price: $1,600
Private Seller: Sharon B